We provide free shipping & factory warranty on everything we sell. 2 Find the label on the bottom of the unit. The first digit is the year and the second and third digits are the month. * In addition, for eligible equipment, Lennox gives the opportunity to extend the Basic Limited Warranty at no additional charge in two ways:For eligible Merit and Elite series products, homeowners have the opportunity to obtain the default 5-year parts only extension (for a total of 10-years parts only coverage) or, in lieu of that option, they have the opportunity to receive 3 years of labor coverage and 2 years of parts coverage (for a total of 3 years labor coverage and 7 years parts coverage).For eligible Dave Lennox Signature Collection products, homeowners have the opportunity to obtain the default 2 years parts only extension (for a total of 12-years parts only coverage) or, in lieu of that option, they have the opportunity to receive 3 years of labor coverage (for a total of 10 years parts and 3 years labor).For homeowners outside of California, Quebec, and any other jurisdiction where registration requirements to effectuate warranties are prohibited, to be eligible for the default parts only Extended Limited Warranty or the alternative parts and labor Extended Limited Warranty, eligible equipment must be properly registered within 60 calendar days of installation (existing homes) or closing date (new construction).For homeowners in California, Quebec, and any other jurisdiction where registration requirements to effectuate warranties are prohibited, eligible equipment automatically comes with the default parts only Extended Limited Warranty. There are 2 near you. The serial number and model number for each piece of equipment you purchased. We cannot warranty parts that were installed on a non-Lennox product. document.write('<\/a>'); Search. You are responsible for all shipping charges to return the fan blade. //-->\n
Aire-Flo The brand name "Lennox", the model number and the serial number can be found on the nameplate located inside the control cabinet.
Lennox Standard Warranty | HVAC Customer Support | Lennox Commercial An example would be 5800A12345.