Doctoral College - Research Degrees - De Montfort University Will the research involve discussion of sensitive topics (e.g. School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, Submitting applications for ethical review including link to APPLICATION FORM, Student group project ethics review guidance, Research ethics and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) TRAINING, Research ethics policies, codes of conduct and guidelines, Research Ethics and Knowledge Exchange and Impact (KEI), Third-party translation or transcription of interviews and other research materials, Researching (with) Children in School Settings, Health and social care research: sponsorship guidance, Data Protection, Data Management and UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), The climate emergency and research ethics, Ethical Action in Global Research: A Toolkit, Deaf and British Sign Language (BSL) research, Submitting an application for research ethics review, Research Ethics, Integrity & Governance Application A Rough Guide (pdf document), The Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and Participant Consent Form (PCF), Research Ethics, Integrity & Governance Application, Please read before drafting and submitting your ethics application for review, Research Ethics, Integrity & Governance Application A Rough Guide, Freedom of information publication scheme. Leicester Global Study Centre Research Software Engineer for the Health Informatics Platform of the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre at the University of Leicester., The University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom, The Research Ethics, Governance and Integrity Office, Centre for International Training and Education, University Research Code of Conduct (PDF, 972kb), Researching and Handling Sensitive, Extreme and Radical Material (PDF, 744kb). Ethics | University of Surrey All research staff and students at the University complete a self-assessment called Self-Assessment for Governance and Ethics (SAGE) to see if their research study needs review by the UEC before embarking on . If you are a PGR student please ensure they send it to and Ethics & Integrity | Northumbria University I am a reliable, self-motivated, performance-driven, industrious, and experienced instructor, researcher, business consultant and training professional with expertise in entrepreneurship, strategy, and instructional design with a background working in a diverse global environment. The Research Ethics, Governance and Integrity Office A favourable opinion from a recognised ethics committee is needed before the research can start. Medical Law and Ethics. Further reading Stone & Dobinson [1977] QB 354.Adomako [1995] 1 AC 171.. Tutorial Questions Question 1 Ken decides to kill his wife by burning down her flat. University of Leicester Admission 2023: Application Fees, Deadlines There are currently no PhDs listed for this search, why not try: All Ethics PhD Scholarships (15 PhD opportunities listed) All PhD Scholarships in Bergen (6 PhD opportunities listed) Alternatively, you can start a new PhD search. Template AHC Module Level Ethics Review Form (MLERF). This is a system that allows module leaders to define the research projects that students will be conducting, ensure that these projects are at a suitable risk level, and complete a single application for the entire module for a period of up to 3 years. And if you need any help, just contact us. | . Above all, note the relevant deadlines! A Leading UK University | University of Leicester While this is the default expectation for Education 2030 modules, if you wish to consider Block Approval for a non-Education 2030 module, please do get in touch; it is a useful system for supporting our students. It will enable you to apply this new knowledge to your own field, whether as a practitioner or academic. Access to the online Research Ethics, Integrity & Governance Application, which serves as the vehicle for research ethics review, is dependent on you having completed some mandatory training on research ethics and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection. Highlight and explain these in the application, and make sure you explain how you propose to address them, avoid them, or mitigate them as you carry out your research. Currently, I am the Course Director for the Project Management MSc . He also held a position of Senior Lecturer position in Accounting and Finance at De Montfort University and a Lecturer position at the University of Central . Information on using the system is available in the MyResearch Training Hub. Sourabh Aggarwal - Faculty Senate Secretary - Westcliff University Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences: Answer all the questions on the application form. With our vibrant, robust, and inclusive environment and our research-intensive roots, there is nowhere better placed to research the unknown and the unanswered. You currently have JavaScript disabled in your web browser, please enable JavaScript to view our website as intended. Festing, University of Leicester, UK; Laboratory animal house: A guide to the design and planning of animal facilities. Ethical approval is needed for all research and consultancy undertaken by University staff and students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) wherever research (or any related activity) involves human participants or raises ethical issues. In compliance with the Concordat, the University is publishing a statement on Research Integrity on an annual basis. The University of Leicester is a signatory to the Concordat on Openness on Animal Research, published in May 2014, which establishes principles of openness, practical steps and measurable objectives, underpinning a more transparent approach to animal research. I am an expert in project management & training. The University's Policy on Researching and Handling Sensitive, Extreme and Radical Material (PDF, 744kb)details expectations of staff and students when utilising sensitive, extreme or radical material in their legitimate work or study. YES. Researchers at the University of Leicester may apply for ethical review by one of these committees utilising an online application system. You can save your part-completed application and return to it later. students in school, people of voluntary group, residents of an elderly care facility), 3. Tutorial Work - Homicide II - Criminal Law Tutorial 7: Homicide II He has great work ethics and attention to detail. Discover our accommodation and find your new home. In such cases, it may be proportionate to approve research at a programme or module level, rather than individually for each student, for instance based on a consistency in research processes and methods. See the material at: Block Ethics Approval: Taught Students Only. Universities in Leicester - QS Best Student Cities Ranking | Top The policy covers decisions regarding tuition fees, other course costs, accommodation costs, sports memberships and other relevant costs are compensated or refunded to students. On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. For medium/high-risk criteria, please refer to the Universitys DMU Research Ethics Code of Practice (Appendix 2: Framework for Identifying Research Ethics Risk) available on the DMU policies and external requirements web page. Human Rights and Global Ethics (Distance Learning) Will the research involve prolonged or repetitive testing? **Terms and conditions apply. Note: See the differences between types of amendments for NHS HRA approvals, To amend a project (application started/completed pre 30/03/21) please use the amendment application form below, Replace # with your 4-digit reference number, FREC # Ethical Amendments Application Form. (e.g. Programs at University of Leicester. START YOUR ETHICS APPLICATION ONLINE HERE STAFF ETHICS REVIEWER PORTAL CAN BE ACCESSED HERE New Ethics Online System - Background New Ethics Online User Support and Guidance Contacts Concordat to Support Research Integrity Will the study involve participants whore particularly vulnerable or not able to provide informed consent? A favourable opinion from a recognised ethics committee is needed before the research can start. The University states that UG/PGT students should not undertake high risk research. Ethics, integrity and compliance Human ethics MyResearch All ethics submissions, including new applications, amendments, exemptions, ratifications, adverse event and annual reports are now made through UQ's MyResearch system. Book by email at A common error in research ethics review applications is a lack of consistency across the online application form and documentation (such as the Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and Participant Consent Form (PCF)). 6th edition (1993) M.F.W. Browse our postgraduate courses to ensure you are comfortable with the course content and entry requirements. We are proud to be one of the worlds leading research-intensive universities, elite in the excellence of our research, yet distinctive for the genuine synergy between our research and teaching. Under the block ethics system students do not have to complete an ethics application themselves. Recognised body which has been Apply directly to us if you're aiming for a Masters degree. Undergraduate courses at De Montfort University (Confirm by circling the way to go. How to apply Chat to us Have questions about your course, our campus, accommodation or life in Leicester? Working on multiple exciting games projects including building a metaverse and several high profile console game ports (Nintendo Switch, PS5/PSVR2) for some of the biggest Made With Unity titles. (e.g. Have you studied in Leicester? University Of Leicester [LE], Leicester Admission, Criteria Offices are open Mon - Fri, 9 - 4.30pm. If you are processing personal data, you are highly likely to require a completed Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). The University Ethics Committee (UEC) reviews research studies which involve human participants, human tissue and human participant data. Our Policy on Responsible use of Metrics (PDF, 152kb)is based upon transparency, consistency, accountability and inclusivity, and follows the lead of principles outlined in DORA, The Leiden Manifesto, The Metric Tide Report and the UK Forum for Responsible Research Metrics. The University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom, Centre for International Training and Education, Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement. Exceptional Block Approval Applications must be submitted by the module leader or programme leader via the Worktribe System. You will receive an email to confirm that we have received your application. If you believe there are no ethical implications to your research please complete a Research Ethics Screen Questions form and ask your supervisor email it to Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. - Secretary of Bond Soccer Club. Have measures been come to ensure confidentiality, privacy and knowledge protection where appropriate? English. Training to be a teacher? The University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom, Centre for International Training and Education, Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement. This button displays the currently selected search type. In the first instance, the module leader or the programme leader should have a discussion with the FREC to determine if the study meets the criteria for Exceptional Block Approval. You MUST read reviewer comments to ensure that you will carry out your research in an ethically viable manner. University of Leicester (LE) Leicester Courses, Rankings, Admission Gamble, Medical Research Council, UK; Laboratory animal medicine 2nd edition. Big believer in agile . 5. This is where genetic fingerprinting was invented in 1984 and home of the team who found King Richard III. David Luigi Fuschi (MSc MBA PhD CMgr CEng FRSA FHEA) University of Leicester - Login. The University Ethics and Integrity Committee (UEIC) is responsible for setting policy and providing oversight of ethical reviews across the university for research not involving the NHS (see below for more details). Research Ethics - Forms | University of Limerick Download the information below to help guide you through the application: A risk assessment tool to help find projects low-risk projects. Although reviewers will have knowledge of different research fields, disciplines and methodologies, you need to bear in mind that they might not be familiar with the particular intricacies of your project. Have questions about your course, our campus, accommodation or life in Leicester? Faculty Research Ethics CommitteeFaculty of Health and Life SciencesDe Montfort UniversityResearch and Innovation Office2.14 Heritage HouseThe Gateway, LeicesterLE1 9BH, +44 (0) 116 207 8228 / +44 (0) 116 257 7864, Arts, Design and Humanities Ethics Procedures, Computing, Engineering and Media Ethics Procedures, Health and Life Sciences Ethics and Procedures, the differences between types of amendments for NHS HRA approvals, Information Commissioners Office website, Read DMU's policies and external requirements, DMU Research Ethics Code of Practice (Appendix 2: Framework for Identifying Research Ethics Risk), Block Ethics Approval: Taught Students Only. You currently have JavaScript disabled in your web browser, please enable JavaScript to view our website as intended. I am a PhD Candidate (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) at IAE Business School (Triple Accredited - EQUIS, AACSB & AMBA), working on the entrepreneurial ecosystem.<br><br>I am an IT Professional, Entrepreneurial Researcher, and educator with nearly ten years of experience focused on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Higher Education, institutional research, and Corporate Strategy (Small, Medium . It will likely be utilized by the tutor or lecturer to recognize whether theres the requirement for larger ethics approval or if the study can proceed without it. All research, except for those exclusively based on publicly available secondary data and published literature, requires ethical review. The car will hold 3 plus luggage. University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust's Post Ethics and Integrity | Explore our research | University of Leicester Leicester University Medicine Interview Questions [2023 Intake] The Research Ethics, Governance and Integrity Office provides support and guidance for all different types of research activity: University Ethics, research involving the NHS, and research using Human Tissue. . How to apply | University of Leicester About University of Leicester. - "First in Class" in Sustainable Development and Society 2013. - "Third Place Award" in Real Estate Property Competition 2013. Applications should be submitted via email. Intelligence and Security MA, by distance learning | University of Previously, he was a Senior Lecturer and Research Coordinator in the Accounting, Finance, and Banking Department of Manchester Metropolitan University. intercourse, drug abuse)? Chat to our friendly staff and students - they're here to help. Delivery is by lectures and seminars, guided learning, independent learning, problem-based learning and resource-based learning . Researchers considering research with the NHS should first contact to discuss what approvals may be required. Ethics Application Procedures All Health and Life Sciences (HLS) Faculty staff and students who wish to undertake research (academic or commercial) must apply for ethical approval before commencing their research. Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity - University of Chester International students can pursue more than 200 degree programs and 400 certificates and general interest courses in Leicester. Leicester General Hospital Please see the Research Services pages on NHS Research. DMU Policies and External Requirements(including NHS Research), Faculty supporting document templates for all study levels and individual research, Being compliant with the Data Protection regulations when undertaking research, Faculty Guidance on Low Risk Research for UG and PGT Students, Module-Level Exceptional Block Approval Applications, Student Ethics for Education 2030 modules. Scholarship. It is also a memorial devoted to those who lost their lives during the First World War. 15 months. Sign the form. You can apply online for all distance learning and most campus-based courses using the Apply Now link at the bottom of each course page. You currently have JavaScript disabled in your web browser, please enable JavaScript to view our website as intended. covert observation of individuals in non-public facilities). Approved templates are immediately below. Leicester boasts two leading universities; University of Leicester and De Montfort University, which both feature in the most recent QS World University Rankings . University of Leicester. There are a number of discipline specific Research Ethics Committees (RECs), these committees are responsible for providing review and approval of ethics applications. 5. (1976) G. Clough & M.R. WELCOME TO THE TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH ETHICS REVIEW APPLICATION SYSTEM. Approach to recruiting research participants: Criteria for choosing research participants: Make sure the next the weather is met. Consent forms and participant information sheets We change lives through our health research. Dr Ernest Ezeani is Associate Professor in Accounting at Edinburgh Business School. Research Ethics, Governance and Integrity Office It should be completed before potential participants are contacted to get familiar with any research. Take a look at our top 10 research projects. We fight for justice, equality, and inclusion. Our English Language Teaching Unit can boost your language skills. According to Government Performance Indicator, the university holds the milestone of the UK's 9 th best student completion rate. Our focus is upon the intersection of the sensitivity of the research, the potential vulnerabilities of participants, and the potential for harm. Artistic Makeup and Special Effects (Apply direct with Leicester College) Foundation Degree (FdA) Full-time: Arts and Festivals Management BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Full-time: Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) BSc (Hons) Full-time: Business Administration and Management (Year 3 Top-up Only) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Full-time: Business Administration BA (Hons . Plymouth Marjon University (St Mark & St John) Ethics PhD Projects Advice and Recommendations - My Law School | University of South Carolina Our approach | Explore our research | University of Leicester Please tick if your application includes a copy of a DBS . Application process - Research and Innovation Service Could it be essential for participants to get familiar with the research without their understanding and consent at that time? For Education 2030 modules that require students to conduct research we expect all non-dissertation modules to use block ethics approval. The University's Research Ethics Policy should be read in conjunction with theUniversity Research Code of Conduct (PDF, 972kb), which provides guidelines for conducting research with integrity and promoting good practice in all aspects of research. This is a separate process from obtaining ethics approval. We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Once you have found the course you are interested in you can use the contact information to find out more or visit the Department website. All ethics applications must be submitted on Worktribe. Please return to your authorised form on the Worktribe system and make amendments to it and submit for further authorisation. 9. Please note: applications for Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) should be made to the Clearing House for Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Psychology. Register as a 'New User' (button on right hand side of page) or log in using your existing details. Applicants are required to follow the following steps while applying at the University of Leicester: Step 1: Visit the UCAS platform and open an account. Some mitigations include a focus upon the ways in which methods/questions are developed and implemented, the possibility for exclusion criteria, amending the research cohort, ensuring documentation is sufficiently detailed to explain risks, and providing appropriate debrief material. It is your responsibility as a researcher (whether a member of staff or a student) to see that your application goes through the process to completion and that you secure a favourable opinion before beginning your research. We believe these are the abilities you'll need for your future career and will be greatly valued in the world beyond university. You've got 60 seconds to change the world. References and Guidelines - University of Hong Kong To be a researcher is to change the world. If you're applying from outside the UK, check what you need in terms of language skills and visa. As a researcher at the University of Leicester, youll have access to a wealth of excellent support for your research from across the University. Medical law and medical ethics | Medico-legal, bioethics and health law International index of laboratory animals. Will the research involve recruitment of patients? Make sure that your qualifications match what we're looking for. Concordat on Openness on Animal Research, Policy on Responsible use of Metrics (PDF, 152kb), Annual Research Integrity Statement 2020 - 2021 (PDF, 213KB), Annual Integrity report for Council 2019 (PDF, 346KB), Annual Integrity report for Council 2018 (PDF, 187KB), Annual Integrity report for Council 2017(PDF, 311KB), Annual Integrity report for Council 2016(PDF, 173KB), Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement. Another is Gatwick Car Service, 011 44 208 866 8300. Home Dissertations University of leicester online ethics form for dissertation. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all material is copyright The University of Edinburgh 2023. Powered by world-class research, the University of Leicester delivers inspirational education across the Sciences, Humanities, Law, Medicine, the Arts and Business, with staff and students collaborating to create, share and apply knowledge to change the world. Worked as a Web Application Developer and a member of SAPCC Web Team - SAP Training & Change Management Department - SAP Computer Center. Leicester sends interview invitations via email on a rolling basis from late November onwards. Please make sure you click the submit button to complete your application. 479 offers were made post-interview for the 290 places to study Medicine at Leicester. YES, The procedures for recruitment and acquiring informed consent work. Will financial inducements (apart from reasonable expenses and compensation for time) be provided to participants? University of Leicester Note: Block Approval is not judged appropriate for Dissertation Modules. We fight for justice, equality, and inclusion. Explore our research | University of Leicester Application Deadlines - University of Liverpool By working together at the intersection of disciplines, we will address complex questions of worldwide significance. Further information on the meaning of personal data in this context can be found on the Information Commissioners Office website. Our targeted medical law and ethics modules will focus on developing and applying your practical skills, analysis, evaluation and application of the specialised legal subject matter, culminating in a final assessment. Read DMU's policies and external requirements. YES / NO. granted degree awarding powers. Just as we are diverse in our makeup, we are equally diverse in our research. University of Leicester. For 2022 entry into the A100 course, there were 3,647 applications and 1,750 interviews were held. Exam Scores: IELTS 6 | TOEFL 88 | PTE 59 . This will include projects where pedagogic research might be involved, and where students are engaged as coproducers of knowledge through the undertaking of research in their capacity as consultants. children, individuals with learning disabilities, your personal students), 2. 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