The results and implications for counsellors, counsellor educators and researchers are discussed. Mr. Tellanyone had been caring for her and his father in his home for 6 years prior to her death. Ethical Vignette Paper # Jodi Walters Liberty University. Dr. tiny black tadpole looking bug in bathroom; ff14 plasmoid iron lake location; top 10 most dangerous areas in cape town; cockapoo rescue michigan; floris nicolas ali, baron van pallandt cause of death; Dr. In hindsight, what triggered some possible difficulties in this situation? The therapy with the ex-husband was brief, and he focused on how he wanted to leave the marriage. The Submit Answers for Grading feature requires scripting to function. These issues included a. dual relationships, b. competence, c. informed consent, d. due process. The client, Mr. Don Tellanyone, is a 47-year-old man who is seeking services for depression. As is often the case when it comes to ethics, some of the best solutions involve counselors taking preventive steps, such as being familiar with and applying the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics. Ethics Vignette #2 A local psychiatrist is referred by his attorney for neuropsychological evaluation related to possible mild head injury ( traumatic brain injury) from a MVA. During the first few sessions, Mrs. Drapier indicates that her husband, Don, is depressed and in treatment. According to the therapy patient, Lyla is not aware that one of her customers is a therapist who works in another part of the same facility where she is receiving substance abuse treatment. 6 0 obj What are the ethical concerns in this scenario? Ethics and ethical codes are bounded by the cultural contexts in which they were produced. While most were supportive, all declined the invitation (likely because the campus is small and in a conservative area of the state). Because of his status as a well-known internist, he does not want to refer his daughter to a psychiatrist because he believes that he can handle the medication piece of her treatment. of family ties, but counselors in many other specialties will run into these issues too. View all Google Scholar citations When returning a call from Chuck who works for a company with the EAP benefit, the psychologist indicates that she is Sue from the EAP program. However, the police report indicated she has made such verbal threats in the past but also, on several occasions, has damaged her neighbors property including scratching the paint on their car and throwing rocks at their house. He indicated that Dr. Cooper recommended that he discontinue a psychotropic medication in favor of an herbal remedy. Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Gerald Corey 2016-01-01 This qualitative research aimed to define school counsellors ethical dilemmas and their responses to such situations. Mr. Biggy indicates that he wants to talk more about his feelings. Dr. Tell worked with a woman for several months on issues related to depression, anxiety, and relationship issues. What emotional reactions may occur for the therapist? Does Dr. Goodfriend need to encourage Buddy to become involved in therapy if symptoms persist? From that positive experience, Dan wants to start a support organization for other GLBTQ students on campus. Harry then seeks out several other school guidance counselors in his area and asks them to meet with him to discuss how the Code of Ethics is incorporated into their practices. The PASS-2 is administered online, from any computer, iPad, or iPhone. How would you feel about receiving this request? Dr. Goodfriend receives a call from Buddy, his very close high school friend. What suggestions or recommendations would you offer to the therapist? The physician explains that he has been medicating her for about four months with Prozac and Klonopin, once he became aware of her eating disordered behavior. It was revealed that counsellors prioritise the students benefit and respect students privacy. Dr. Miller suggests that she meet with both Mr. and Mrs. Drapier to evaluate the marital situation. ), Psikolojik danmanlk alannda mevcut ve gelien etik sorunlar [Current and developing ethical problems in psyhological counseling field], Sources of conflict between primary school principals and school counselors in Turkey, I wanna tell you a story: Exploring the application of vignettes in qualitative research with children and young people, International journal of Social Research Methodology, Using an ethical decision-making model to address ethical dilemmas in school counseling, An examination of the ethical dilemmas of school counsellors: Opinions and solution recommendations. He struggles with understanding concepts and his conversation becomes tangential during the next two sessions. . The Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. ethical decision making that guides students and practitioners as they work through and analyze complicated ethics cases that demonstrate some of the most challenging dilemmas that they will face. Therapy lasted about a year and focused on depression and relationship issues. Contemplate these 16 conundrums. Looking through his files, the therapist cannot find his file, so it must have been more than five or six years ago. Several weeks after beginning to go on sales calls, your patient reports that Mr. Biggy is complimenting her on the way she looks and her ability to make the sale. Kara, a therapist on the county hospitals psychiatric unit, is a recent graduate from a masters degree program in mental health counseling. His father has declined rapidly since the death of his wife and now requires total care. What are some potential responses that you could offer Dr. Bishop? Patient contact information will be part of the administration process. First and foremost, the client, Dominique, has disclosed that he has been diagnosed with AIDS. The contact is now requesting that Dr. Bishop begin to screen individuals for homosexual tendencies because, according to the doctrines of the denomination, such individuals are not eligible to become clergy. For example, the first vignette, which Refer the matter to the State Board of Psychology. Attempts to find social service agencies able to help him have not been successful. The interview schedule was related to six vignettes about "ethical dilemmas." The vignettes were established by analyzing Turkish ethical codes. She was recently offered a position as a dual-diagnosis treatment counselor at a local drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. You may access the ACA Code of Ethics and other ethics code at the WEBLINKS button on this website. Dr. Tell explained that the alleged perpetrator was several times removed from their sessions and she did not believe that she had the obligation to report it. They have dinner as couples several times per year. After the initial greetings, the former patient indicates that she has finally started to write down more thoughts, memories, and recollections about her abusive experiences. He also states that if she does not accept what he is offering, he will lose respect for her as a professional and probably not return for treatment. Has data issue: true mh:/lIk[ R#ig#hJh@xVSP~~NP&#HC"+}C.|L.B:qe -4F[QDZuee168Ioa{ 3 m&#H7 x6}K What are the ethical issues involved in this situation? An important factor is that there is no cost to you, as the therapist. adapted and used used with consent from a state psychological association. Mr. DiMencha demonstrates a variety of cognitive deficits. After you finish you can compare your response and rationale with our response and our rationales for each of these vignettes. This workshopis based on discussion of ethical issues When facing uncertainty, consult a colleague, refer to APA's Ethics Code and document your decision, advised APA Ethics Committee members. Chuck is a 20-year old man who immediately expresses a great deal of agitation and anger. Harry is a school guidance counselor who is just got a job at a large public high school. Consider the following scenarios, presented initially in the Ethical Dilemmas column in Therapy Today. A colleague of yours, Dr. Solomon, contacts you for advice regarding a new client she has just seen. The physician wants the therapist to treat his 17-year-old daughter, who suffers with what he describes to be an eating disorder and perhaps some Borderline Personality Disorder traits. They follow legal guidelines in risky situations and insist on working within their areas of competence; they are not willing to accept noncounselling tasks. 4 0 obj She was surprised to find that most of the clients who came to see her were young women who suffered primarily from eating disorders and relationship problems. She recalled that he agreed that it could make a good book. During the course of their work, the patient discussed significant facts about his troubled past, numerous details about failed past relationships, and sexual fantasies. He will likely need to go into an assisted living facility. His impairment is noticeable by Dr. Buddy states that he has been feeling stressed over the last month. Dan asked a number of faculty members to be the faculty advisor of this group. Feature Flags: { << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Dilemma6: Referral and Treatment Boundaries, Dilemma9: Psychologist as Character Witness, Dilemma 10: Multiple Relationships Revealed, Dilemma 14: The Psychology of Advertising, Dilemma 15: To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate, Dilemma 18: Co-authorship with a Former Patient. The therapist ignores the comment and finishes by setting their initial appointment. What are some of the potential ethical pitfalls in this scenario? Dr. Popeil thinks these ideas are good. Can the client contact Child Protective Services anonymously in this case? 7 0 obj Prior to returning the call, Dr. Jordan reviews the patients chart. His patient reveals, during the course of therapy, th A colleague of yours, Dr. Solomon, contacts you for advice regarding a new client she has just seen. Ethical Vignette Paper.docx. During the initial phone contact, he asked repeatedly about privacy and wanted assurances that information discussed in session was confidential. During the 90-minute call, Dr. Goodfriend tries to be a good listener, empathizes with Buddys difficult situation, offers advice on ways that Buddy can better manage his stress, provides him with general encouragement, and suggests a book that outlines stress management and anxiety reduction strategies. What are the potential ethical issues with this case? He revealed that she had been suffering greatly and, out of compassion for her, he gave her an excess dose of her sleeping and pain pills. Upon reflection, the therapist recalls that he had treated Mr. Palmer a number of years ago. Twenty-seven school counsellors in Turkey were asked to respond to 13 vignettes with ethical dilemmas. In fact, the patient has made no such comments to anyone else other than to Dr. Solomon and has been a model patient on the unit. Dr. Faye Miller receives a referral for a 35-year-old female, Betty Drapier, who is feeling depressed and experiencing marital problems. Even if they terminate therapy, how does the therapist cope with family gatherings since she knows significant details about her patients life? Dr. Lilith Crane, a therapist in the counseling center of a small rural campus, calls you on the phone for a consultation. Your browser either does not support scripting or you have turned scripting off. Dr. Tell focused the client on her dilemma as well as the relationship issues with her boyfriend. 1 pages. Yet the dilemmas above speak of the profound difficulties we can face when thinking of our responsibilities and potential actions in real-life situations, especially difficult situations we might inadvertently find ourselves in. Case Vignettes for Review Directions: The following cases are intended to facilitate the development of your ethical analysis and resolution capacities. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Plenty without any type of testing. We used a transcendental phenomenology research method and identified the themes of consulting, referring to ethical guidelines, documenting, contributing factors, and engaging in professional development. Along with the initial anxiety of the new job, her territory, and her boss, she reports a fear of failure and other anxiety related symptoms. Mr. Drapier mentions that Dr. Cooper sells St. Johns Wort to him directly. During the interview, she was told that she would need to work independently, with only limited supervision. While you are there, a family member arrives with a copy of a notarized advance directive, created within the last year, which specifically outlines the patients wishes not to be placed on a ventilator or any artificial life support. Both therapists are of the same profession. endobj The attorney-patient indicates that he earns about 2.5 times what the psychologist asked. Review each of the scenarios and indicate whether you "agree" or "disagree" with the counselor's action. Dr. Smith asked if he needed to inform the patient of his impressions of the report and the seemingly erroneous conclusions. <>>> The treatment notes indicate that she dropped out of therapy about one year ago. By Dr. Stephen Behnke, APA Ethics Director February 2008, Vol 39, No. DILEMMA ONE What problems may occur as a function of Dr. Running Head: ETHICAL VIGNETTE. Dr. Crane is questioning the pros and cons of being the therapist and the faculty advisor. Does Dr. Goodfriend need to phone his high school friend to clarify his last comment? After her 6 weeks of training, the company assigns her to a regional director that the therapist knows personally. And, Dr. Tell agreed to determine whether or not reporting this information would put her clients confidentiality at risk. A physician requests a psychological evaluation of a 46-year-old man who attempted suicide via overdose of prescription medications along with alcohol. What should you do with this email solicitation? Dr. Perry Francis, the chair of the Ethics Revision Task Force, states, "A code of ethics What factors make this situation potentially easy for you as a therapist? A therapist receives a phone message from a former patient. Ethical dilemmas. Dilemma 20: Has the Psychologist Done Too Much? At the end of the session, the therapist asks for the requisite fee as stated on the phone. x#86h)Ppcc0F( k/ Not knowing what to do, and realizing that the next patient is in the waiting room, the therapist takes the cash and sets up another appointment. endobj How easy or how difficult would it be to take those steps? Dr. Jordan calls you on the phone for an ethics consultation. Case Vignettes for Review Directions: The following cases are intended to facilitate the development of your ethical analysis and resolution capacities. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Widely adopted as a textbook in graduate psychology courses in ethics and continuing education development, this innovative volume presents readers with over 100 different perspectives on crucial ethical issues and offers possible solutions from an expert ethics educator, psychologist, and former APA general counsel. Hostname: page-component-7fc98996b9-g9qcd After reiterating the purpose of the session (which was to assess the marital situation and not to assess his current treatment), Dr. Miller states that she feels uncomfortable with the request, although she is concerned about the therapists reported behavior. The psychologist is involved in a busy practice, specializes in treating eating disorders, and receives only occasional referrals from this physician. Cynthia had already invested quite a bit of money into her private practice, and was determined to make it work, regardless of the type of clients she had to treat. Identifying, addressing, and resolving ethical dilemmas is a dynamic process that requires counseling professionals to do more than simplistically apply the codes with respect for the uniqueness of each situation or circumstance. The survey consisted of 10 vignettes based on the above ethical issues in. B) =AiV5bAqUKxs#6{pA :)B'5-a* The test is designed to determine if the patient can benefit from psychotherapy, psychotropic agents, or other psychological services. If you were facing a difficult ethical dilemma, after identifying the problem and the potential issues involved, what would be, using Corey's model, one of the first places that you would look for assistance in the resolution of the dilemma Is Dr. We have great data on the PASS-2 for reliability and validity in identifying primary care patients who can benefit from psychological services. He confides that he would like to have an affair with her. Results will be available to you and the patient online. a variety of upgrades, the web developer/consultant suggests that he add a testimonial page where former patients describe their positive experiences in therapy. are The patient admitted herself to the unit, with some persuasion by the local police, for making loud threats and menacing gestures in her neighbors driveway. Sci Rep 12, 22416 (2022). Out of options, Dan is asking Dr. Crane to be the faculty advisor. Mr. Drapier smelled as if he had been drinking, and he admitted that his alcohol use has increased. The counsellor is also conscious. Ethical Dilemma The counsellor is conscious of the cultural differences and avoids talking too much and attempts to refer to the husband for most of the exchange. The patient presents with a history of rejection and abandonment as well as being abused by persons of power. Using a purposeful, convenience sampling method, we explored six school counselors' experiences of ethical decision making. The patient has trust issues with his parents, especially his father. How would you feel if you were the consultant? Unfortunately, many patients struggling with mental health issues in primary care settings are not properly identified or treated. The physician wants the psychologist to treat his 17-year-old daughter . What are some of the suggestions that you may have for the therapist about accepting or declining the referral? of study and a further neglect of ethical decision making in non-Western cultures in the professional literature on counseling and ethics. The client then asked if she could invite her boyfriend to the next session so that they could all discuss the information and the best way to handle the situation. For this to be a successful venture, we ask you to promote this program to your referring physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in order to enhance their ability to identify, evaluate and provide needed treatment for their patients. However, Cynthia also realized that she didnt have much training or experience working with clients with eating disorders, so she decided to attend a week-long seminar on the treatment of eating disorders offered by the local community mental health center. If you were Dr. Goodfriend, how do you feel about the phone call? My name is Dr. Review each of the scenarios and indicate whether you agree or disagree with the counselors action. Published online by Cambridge University Press: Along with. She stopped therapy because her insurance changed and Dr. Jordan was not an in-network provider. The therapist, her husband, and his ex-wife are on good terms. What are the potential pitfalls in the scenario? %PDF-1.3 Dilemma 20: Has the Therapist Done Too Much? stream She is not sure that he completely understands what is happening or understands her version of informed consent for the additional services. <> In the midst of all of this activity, the psychotherapist contacts you for an ethics consultation. P. (1996). American Counseling Association Ethical Dilemma "Counselors may be faced with a conflict between their duty to protect confidentiality, to . Youre encouraged to cite appropriate ethical principles and/or code of ethics standards. Dr. Thomas is a mental health professional who is a part owner of a private group practice, some members of which offer Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services. The most frequent ethical dilemmas involved the limits of confidentiality, confusion about counsellors professional roles in school settings, uncooperative behaviours among stakeholders, and suspected child sexual abuse. Because of busy primary care practices, the PASS-2 can be completed at home, if the office does not have internet access for patient use. The purpose of these psychological evaluations is to identify individuals who have gross psychopathology, strong personality disorders, or other characteristics that would make them incapable of performing their religious duties adequately.
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