Policies and Accreditations zoom: 1; A minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) is required on any graduate work attempted with no grades of D or F. Build leadership abilities across business disciplinesincluding finance, operations, marketing, and communications, Gain the fundamental business knowledge to rise to management and executive leadership positions, Learn principles and strategies for organizational and change management, Develop effective communication and employee motivation techniques, Understand financial analysis techniques for sound managerial decision-making, Study the application of quantitative methods and management science, Learn profitable marketing management concepts and strategies. #page-wrapper { left: 125px; .item-list ul { .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul ul label::after, @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul label, .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul a::after { max-width: 900px; Prior to or early in their first semester, students should make an appointment with a graduate faculty adviser to develop a complete study plan for the degree. } .cd-accordion-menu2>li:last-of-type>a, Because the program is delivered fully online, youcan pursue your masters degree from anywhere you have an internet connection. I've waited over an hour to be connected in order to take my exam. max-width: 1000px; display: block; margin: 0em auto; Students whose program requires a comprehensive examination must declare to their major department/division/school, at least one semester in advance, their intent to take it, obtain department/division/school permission, and register for the comprehensive examination that carries the course number 5960 in their major discipline. margin: 0 2.3em; The results of the examination provide evidence of independent thinking, appropriate organization, critical analysis, and accuracy of documentation. .cd-accordion-menu ul a { display: block; } ". Privacy Statement .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul label::before { -ms-user-select: none; } margin-left: 5% !important; professional development, and career coaching at an exceptional value. The jobs and workplace of tomorrow are going to be so dramatically different. .cd-accordion-menu2 ul ul a { .cd-accordion-menu label::after { Finish in as Few as 10 Months Designed to be flexible and convenient for working professionals. } COMPETITIONS: Venture pitch and case competitions allow MBA students to hone their skills and showcase left: 95px; Getting your MBA should be hard, or else it would take away from everyone being able to actually obtain one, right? Hall of Distinction. All students must complete the requirements for the Juris Doctor degree, including earning a total of 94 credit hours. For those applicants who earned a bachelor's degree froma school where English was not the principal language of instruction, a Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL) score of at least 80 (Internet-based test), 213 (computer version) or 550 (paper version) is required for admittance into the CBE graduate programs. Total credit hours per program:30 credit hours Cost per credit hour:$416 Total cost with fees:$12,473.90* Cost per credit hour and fees are subject to change. .column-1 { Starting a successful career is closer than you think. and the students. } } } events. The Cal State LA Veterans Resource Center (VRC) strives to help veterans and active duty students navigate the certification process, make a seamless transition to university life, support their success on campus, and prepare them to reach their career and life goals. #cbe-desktopnav-bottom-links-area { .no-mobile { } padding: 0px 0%; width: 100%; left: 18px; padding: 0px; It met most if not all expectations regarding the curriculum, online professors, and the testing platform. position: static; } display: inline-block; } position: fixed; When the program is online, costs tend to be lower, and that increases your chances of a profitable return on investment. cursor: pointer; Each course week begins on Monday. padding: 0 2%; background-color: #222; Graduate students must satisfy this requirement before completing 12 semester units. margin: auto; Through international immersion experiences, students can explore business These courses will prepare students with a solid foundation in managerial accounting and finance while also helping them develop the skills to lead and strategize in organizations. #navigation, Our program is also accredited by AACSB International. .cd-accordion-menu>li>ul>li:last-of-type label, .cd-accordion-menu ul a::after { .cd-accordion-menu2 li { text-align: left; It provides information about the following: procedures, regulations, and responsibilities governing the masters thesis or project; general requirements for thesis preparation and acceptance; format requirements for the thesis; and special instructions for projects and project reports. a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited university with a minimum 2.5 overall GPA or minimum 2.75 GPA in the last 60 semester hours of courses, and at least three years of professional work experienceord.) The following exceptions and restrictions apply: Students who are matriculated at the University in continuing status may enroll in, and earn residence credit for, courses that are offered through the College of Professional and Global Education in self-support special sessions. Last month, the Sales and Marketing Executives-Baton Rouge chapter awarded Department of Marketing Distinguished Instructor Tommy Karam with its Nell Mitchell Doughty Lifetime Achievement Award at an event where many recounted their experiences in Karam's classroom. Credit for thesis (i.e., 5990), research (i.e., 5970), and comprehensive examinations (i.e., 5960) is not transferable. .footer-menu-block { color: #ffffff !important; .cd-accordion-menu label::after { There is no consistency with the proctor requirements. /* use label:nth-of-type(n) to fix a bug on safari (<= 8.0.8) with multiple adjacent-sibling selectors*/ } Whatever your career goals, the online MBA from LSU Shreveport can guide you to them. All exams can be done at home. For more information please visit www.toefl.org or www.ielts.org. margin-right: 0 !important; Once the University receives copies of all requested academic documents, please allow 6-8 weeks for evaluation and processing. For masters degrees that require more than 30 semester units, up to 30% of the total required units may consist of acceptable transfer, extension, and/or special session courses, if approved by the appropriate graduate/departmental adviser. width: 100%; Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited university, with minimum 3.0 overall GPA or minimum 3.0 GPA in last 60 semester hours of courses. university. margin-bottom: 60px !important; .cd-accordion-menu ul ul label, padding: 0 0%; } /* BOTTOM MOBILE MENU BEGINS */ .no-touch .cd-accordion-menu a:hover { Graduate School Admission:Unconditional Admission:For unconditional admission to graduate study, students must be in satisfactory standing at the last institution attended and meet all admission requirements of a degree program and one of the following: International applicants must meet regular admission requirements for their selected program. Policies and Accreditations max-width: 100%; .cd-accordion-menu2 label, left: 48px; However, the department can request admission by special action for students with 3-year degrees, if they find that the candidate has other strong qualifications (i.e. padding-right: 1px !important; background-attachment: inherit; Depending on your schedule, you can pursue your masters degreeon either a full-time or part-time basis. cursor: pointer; left: 77px; Failure to achieve a B (3.0) grade point average in qualifying courses will result in the students termination from the degree program. } .cd-accordion-menu ul ul ul a { margin-right: 1%; .vertical-menu a:hover { left: 24px; #banner-bottom { background: #4d5158; MBAA complements #parallax-1-quote { background-size: cover; Less than 5 percent of all business schools worldwide meet AACSB International's demanding standards. } max-width: 850px; Explore the types of financial aid you could qualify for, Learn more about theonline Master of Business Administrationprogram curriculum, Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration, Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Education in Educational Leadership, Master of Science in Computer Systems Technology, Rate of Pursuit Guide for Chapter 33/Post-9/11 GI Bill. transform: translateY(-50%); With high-quality students graduating #cbe-desktopnav-top-inside-area { To learn more, please visit, BS Information Systems & Decision Sciences, Stephenson Department of Entrepreneurship & Information Systems, Center for Analytics, Research & Transportation Safety, From Superstars to Students: The Impact of the Man Behind the Personal Brand, E. J. Ourso College Named a 2023 Best Business School for MBA by Princeton Review, Flores MBA Association Announces 7th Annual Spring Gala. left: 36px; Earned a graduate degree from a regionally accredited university. .header-slide-menu-toggle-block { IMHO the LSUS AACSB MBA courses are very good value for the money, but better suited for independent learners who have completed at least 2 years of university successfully. .cd-accordion-menu ul a::after { Where Can a Master of Business Administration from LSUS Take You? /* MAKES THE TOP MOBILE MENU RESPONSIVE BEGINS */ However, if you cannot put up with taking tests every week, this is NOT the MBA for you. Students must satisfy this Graduate Writing Requirement in order to be Advanced to Candidacy. height: 100%; padding-right: 14px; left: 96px; .cd-accordion-menu ul label::after, */, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 343-3000 2023 Trustees of the California State University. background: #4d5158; margin: 0 1em; padding-right: 15px; #left-column-inside { height: 35px; *Professional experience is determined on a case-by-case basis using a resume and any requested supporting documents. #banner-bottom { Below is a list of requirements that students must complete in order to graduate. background-position: top center; Electives enable students to further develop their degree path to fit their goals. For further information, contact the Office of Research and Development, or visit the Website at www.calstatela.edu/academic/aa/orad/. margin: auto; Learn more about international admission requirements. -webkit-user-select: none; An active member of Houstons community, she has served as host for the Texas background: #eee; The military ID that I use for each exam is suddenly not clear enough one day, even though it was fine every other time. width: 100%; $12,474 Total Program Tuition The LSUS MBA program offers premium education at an affordable cost. } list-style: none !important; awards for winners. Even if you explain your day job work schedule is very hectic on a particular week and want to work ahead you will get NO hind nor quarter. } to concepts from the classroom. padding-bottom: 30px !important; ", "I took the online MBA program and found it significantly lacking. You canNOT take the exam ahead of time or fall behind. Some even offer start-up funding and -moz-transform: translateY(-50%); .cbe-four-column a:link { .region-sidebar-second { padding: 0px !important; } float: none; //-->
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