Seize (mnvr): opponent is held and either crushed (1D6+2D6 damage) or carried aloft and then, on a later round, dropped from a great height (1D6 damage per 10 feet/3 meters). Enhanced Appearance: the blessing reshapes the followers face and form, increasing APP to 80+1D10 points. Surely, I need not write that those who do not fulf ill their part of such pacts are inevitably doomed. Cult Human cults appear to be quite rare and, where they do exist, they tend to be focused on breaking through the veils of perception to gain wisdom and understanding. A few have come to attention or notoriety due to sudden descents into homicidal activity, although the connection they share is, as yet, unknown to authorities or the public in general. Cult Chaugnar Faugn is worshiped by numerous human cults, many of which are led by those for whom the tainted blood of the tcho-tcho runs strong. Its arms are unnaturally long, being tentacular rather than human limbs. Aura A certain sense of mysticism surrounds this avatar, of forbidden secrets and enlightenment, as well as a feeling of things being out of step with reality, as though one had passed through some portal into another realm. Zu-che-quon is rarely mentioned in significant Mythos texts, its lore remaining mostly hidden from human research. Encounters Those caught in or meddling with time (such as casting spells such as Time Gate) may encounter Aforgomon, either directly or as it passes through time streams between dimensions. Interestingly, certain archaeological finds in the Yucatan and also in South America have led some to the conclusion that the god may well have been known by some early indigenous peoples. User summary: PDF edition includes four files: Malleus_Monstrorum_Volume_I_-_Monsters_of_the_Mythos_v1.21.pdf (product code 23168, ISBN-13 978-1-56882-315-7, 218 pp . Were using armor value as the example here, but the intent shown applies to the rest of the statistics for your deity too. Alternatively, those affected by Aphoom Zhah may despair, seeing the continuation of life upon Earth as pointless, driving them to seek a means to end all life on the planetas, better to all die now than be consumed by the hungering void that will destroy everything humanity has accomplished. If true, one may suppose Idhyaa is bound by either Elder magic or cosmic forces, drifting slowly on the aether through space, and gives reason as to why the deity did not follow the other Old Ones in coming to Earth. If reduced to zero hit points, Qyth-az form is shattered into millions of pieces. Combat Attacks per round: 4 (whirling strikes/punches) and/or 1 (clutch and drag) May attack up to four opponents a round using its four arms, or strike or clutch with its leg tentacles. Deep and dark tunnels may be worn by the passage of time, yet feel claustrophobic, with the weight of the world pressing down on those who navigate through them. Encounters Most likely, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg would become known via contact with ghouls or those caught up with the shan. Aura Cult Death and fate figure largely in modeling the atmosphere of this entity. If the Luck roll is failed, their mind is unable to shut down in the face of the overload, causing the instant loss of 4D10 Sanity points, as well as the loss of their dream personality and memories (they become a blank slate)when they wake from a dream, they remember nothing of the dream. A tentacle may be severed if suffering 16+ damage. 80% (40/16), damage 2D6 80% (40/16), damage 1D6 + 10 CON (see above) 80% (40/16), damage 5D6 Mental Contact: able to send out general telepathic transmissions that convey simple directions (best thought of as urges). Other names: Arcturus, the Frozen One, the Icy Gray Flame. What we know comes from low-ranking cult members, which is often guesswork or just plain false. Discover ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. The range of effect is anything dead within 30 yards/ meters of Nyarlathotep. Such voices, heard by no other, speak of realizing desires and attaining power through acceptance of the Unspeakable Oath and giving oneself over to the devotion of Hastur. For some, Mguleloc is an Old One, while for others it is considered a lesser and unique entity (and perhaps the immature spawn of a greater being). Possible Blessings Eyeless: cultists of Zu-che-quon pluck out their own eyes in an act of fealty, with their god bestowing enhanced sensory faculties in return. They are also a warning, though I fear that I am a modern-day Cassandra, cursed to know the truth but never to be believed by my peers. It should be noted that Sir Hansens essays are speculative in nature and must be taken with the proverbial grain of salt, but still, their insights are nevertheless intriguing and thoughtprovoking. Given its snake-like association for humans, some may mistakenly attribute symbols of Ossadagowah to Yig, with possibly unfortunate consequences. 77 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Elder Gods. Please head over to The Alcove to converse about your favourite RPG's there! Other Names Possible alternative names for the entity. 206 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters uncommon. The experience was ultimately terrifying, with McClusky warning readers to fear the dark of the wood and the whispering voices therein. If so, one may presume that the immense gravity and acoustic waves produced by the raging storms within the Red Spot form (at least in part) the prison holding these Lesser Old Ones. Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis, and Mike Mason. Despite efforts, no consistent details regarding this alleged incident have been forthcoming, and it remains uncertain as to the veracity of the episode. Fighting (human form) 100% (50/20), damage 3D6 or 6D6 Armor None, but may create magical armor by expending 1 magic point per armor point desired. The rapidity of the advancement of the machine to full manifestation varies, happening over days, months, or years. Regenerates 10 hit points per round (costing 5 magic points; death at zero hit points). Curious about the difference? many others regard Lilith as a unique deity whose masks hide a creature of hideous creation. of Cthugha. 242 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - Z others remark that the spell is not a summons at all, but rather a ward to keep this Old One at bay. Cryptic insights indicate the reason for such avoidance may be down to Cxaxukluths propensity to consume and/or kill other Mythos beings who venture too close. Bright as the Sun: Cthughas flaming glow is not immediately harmful to the human eye. Sandy Petersen: Azathoth, Bast, Cthugha, Cthulhu, Dagon & Hydra, Daoloth, Gla'aki, Hastur, Hypnos, Ithaqua, The Messenger of the Old Ones, Nodens, Nyarlathotep, Nyogtha, Shub-Niggurath, Shudde Mell, Tsathoggua, Ygolonac, Yig, Yog-Sothoth. If a storm, the terrible visage of a humanlike figure or face (often skeletal in aspect) may be seen at its heart, conjured from the swirling clouds. The cover is exceptionally beautiful. Allegedly, this cult started life in India in the second millennium BCE and later spread outward, enjoying a period of growth and then decline. Relevant to this is the wording in My Dark Mirror by Mrs. D. Meersce (privately published, London, 1919), which states, when Han and Byatis and the Other come together shall the end of all things begin, calling out the Dark One with Many Faces to open the stars and unleash the power within, and set in motion the Wheel of Change under which mankind will break and die a thousand deaths. While this information could be interpreted as the outpouring of an ill mind, certain lesser references and hints hidden in other tomes lends some credibility to the prophecy. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 1D6+1D6 Clutch (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 1D4+1 (see above) Fighting Tendril pull (mnvr) Bite Armor None. Throughout history, different Cthulhu cults have risen and fallen, sometimes supplanted and absorbed by stronger groups. Some accounts state that if the avatar can be found (usually requiring some arduous physical or mental journey), and if suitable offerings are made, then it will bestow secret knowledge or answer a question. 220 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Ygolonac, the hand that feeds Sanity Loss: 1/2D10 Sanity points to witness Ygolonac manifest through human possession; 1/1D10+1 to encounter Ygolonac in human-like form; 1D6/4D10 to encounter the Old One in its true form. Over time, the pimples merge together into a single lump, which continues to increase in size (although the weeping stop). The brood is not intelligent or aggressive, although it can gnaw motionless targets to the bone or enter a victim to remain inside and feed (causing 1D4 damage per day). Cant say what their heads are like as theyre tucked tight under those shells. This continues until the target is dead, The Black is dispelled or withdrawn by Yibb-Tstll, or the target is able to immerse/spray themselves in running water (which destroys The Black). Note that all avatars have POW 500, 100 magic points, and any spells desired by the Keeper (see Avatar: Human Form). It reforms in 1D100 years. Unless suitably prepared, most wizards find themselves unable to bind or limit this entity, as it seems almost impervious to offensive and warding magic. Lurkers: using its absorption power, Yidhra creates lurkers vampiric monsters that serve the entitys will. Does it look vaguely humanoid or is it some multidimensional nightmare of unreason? Such creatures either manifest with the Lesser Other God or are summoned as needed. Combat Attacks per round: 1D8 (strikes) or 1/10 (crush) Lashes out with its limbs, with those touched being drained of 2D10 POW and aged 3D10 years. A few statuettes of this deity exist, often locked away or secreted in shrines to death. It was death come. Division and Change: Yidhras genetic makeup allows it to reform and shape itself in unlimited ways based on the earthly life it has consumed over time. That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die Here, shall you know the terrors of t, That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die Crush (mnvr): tentacle-like arms shoot forth to coil around the target, who suffers 19D6 damage while being transformed into crystal (their body shattering like glass). Indeed, the Servants of the Crawler appear to agree, saying that their role is to prepare for their lord who shall rend the earth and sky to make a passage through which its family can travel to this world. Encounters Fthaggua may come in place of Cthugha when summoned or may arrive as that Old Ones attendant. Apparently, they wait, lurking unseen within a prison believed to be located within the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Presumably, it will take many years for Cymaeghi to reach maturity and its full powers. If the attack is successful, the pseudopod latches onto the target and drains 1D10 points of POW per round. Such sights, sounds, and smells appear real but may be dispelled with a reality check roll (Sanity roll) by those able to detect inaccuracies or other inconsistencies. Usually, those requesting such sight do so willingly, but others can attempt to bar their minds from this cosmic assault with a successful Hard POW roll. This often wicked and evil cult tends to draws its members from the young, preaching that only in perfection can one find enlightenment. Nothing a cultist says should be taken at face value. Fighting Consume (mnvr) Dodge 90% (45/18), damage 1D4+1D6 90% (45/18), absorbed (see above) 90% (45/18) Armor none; Madam Yi cannot be harmed by normal weapons; if the avatar is reduced to zero hit points, it transforms into a monstrous form (these vary and are subject to the Keepers design). Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 2D6 Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 2D6/3D6 (see above) Armor None. Bolt: deals 1D10 damage plus it adjusts the age of the character by +/ 3D10 years (use a Luck roll to determine whether age is advanced or deducted); skill values remain the same (INT and EDU are not affected); effects of aging may apply (per Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook, page 32); if reduced to zero age or beyond 140 years-of-age, the character dies. Regenerates 2D6 hit points per round spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). An unusual entity seemingly composed of living flame that burns a green-blue color. This latter group is sometimes called the Children of Yidhra. While conjecture, some have claimed that certain significant seismic events were caused by the movement of this entity toward the planets surface, such as the great quake of San Francisco (1906), the Concepcin earthquake (1751), and possibly the Sanriku earthquake (869 CE). Being touched by Cthulhus dreams causes humans to act in diverse ways. All such cults appear to hold the central belief that one day Cthugha shall come to cleanse the unworthy from the planet and that the blessed ones shall be reborn in flame to claim this world as their own. of the cosmic order, and are an entirely different form of consciousness and life, and one that may eventually consume and destroy all things in a bid to meld their reality with our own. If reduced to zero hit points, Cthugha implodes, drawing all attending fire vampires into itself. DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - M - parasite, attracted to the power utilized in the conjuration of or communication with Mythos deities, and able to cut in and appear mid-process so it may feed upon surprised spellcasters and the like. Whatever the truth of its existence,Hypnos could be considered a parasite (leeching upon the collective unconsciousness) or a manifestation (created or defined) of will. Avatars may be created to provide a temporary physical tool with which to influence and interact with a particular place or species. Possible Blessings Doom Scream: able to produce a terrifying scream that harms others (1D4 damage per round) or causes objects to move (SIZ 20 and below). Here's how to complete the Malleus Monstronum penance in Warhammer 40K: Darktide. Others may be overcome with despondency, while some reach a form of enlightenment, able to conceive of Ghroths approach and devote themselves to preparing the way for Ghroth in the most distasteful and violent of acts. Once awake, Gnophkehs must feed and if a suitable human feast is not provided, the Old One devours whoever is nearby. With new illustrations throughout by master artist Loc Muzy, the many horrors of the Mythos are brought to stunning life. >> Anonymous Tue Jul 21 17:52:07 2020 No. Regenerates 1D6 hit points per round spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). Some speculation exists that human and 86 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS alien followers work to some grand plan that will bring Ghizguth and Leviathan together at a particular point in time, whereupon these two entities will somehow combine, which may have a bearing on the sleep of Great Cthulhu. In addition, a thicket of smaller tentacles may also attackroll 1D6 each round, for the number of smaller tentacles attacking; each wields a small, sharp sickle, and inflicts 1D4 damage + 3D6 damage bonus. More details in our most recent COVID-19 Shipping and Fulfilment Update . For each 5 magic points invested, the weather may be altered by one step; for example, causing a slight breeze on a windless day, turning a breeze into a strong wind, a strong wind into a storm, and so on. Water in sufficient quantity causes harm (1D6 damage per round). A few scholars suggest that Hastalks consciousness may be active in many locations at once, like different areas of a brain each focusing on different bodily functions; thus, we may see the taint of Hastalk on diverse worlds and in limited scope. Many have pondered Nyarlathoteps agenda and purpose. Withering touch 75% (37/15), damage 1D100 POW drain (see above) Armor None. Definition. In all reports and lore, Yu-mengtis appears to exist to consume all matter. Other than this cult, a few small groups inhabiting the northern climes are believed to give blessings to the Old One, who they see as a lesser but aligned god to Ithaqua. Avatars usually have specific attributes and tend to characterize a particular mood, feeling, or notion. Most would seem to be confined, restricted, or imprisoned in some fashion (some may even be thought of as dead, although this term is essentially meaningless for such entities), a situation that some claim to have been imposed by the Elder Gods. Curious about the difference? Can it control the environment? Alien technology or magic may allow the brain to be removed and placed in another host body, although this is not with its own risks. Rumors circulate that this entity was spawned through an obscene rite between a human and an avatar of Shub-Niggurath, although some scholars have suggested this creature is simply an aberrant byproduct of the Goat with a Thousand Young, possibly a mutated version of a dark young. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 2D6 Coil Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 11D6 (see above) Armor None. Whether these and similar magnitude events where purely a side effect of the entitys proximity to the crust or if they were consciously orchestrated remains unknown. One characteristic said to be common to all of its appearances is the sound of dogs or wolves howling, whether these sounds emanate from Han or are a side effect of its manifestation on Earth is unknown. Thus, a great quake (level 9) would require Shudde Mell to expend 18 magic points. No amount of water, sand, chemicals, or a lack of oxygen may extinguish these extradimensional flames, which eventually die out themselves in 1D4 minutes after Pharol has left the area. I love the art in these books. Finally, we come to the blood of Yibb-Tstll, the black milk. Mindless: at any moment, the dreaming entity may send forth a tentacle of negativity, whose touch instantly disintegrates living matter on contact. The confusing Pnakotic Manuscripts contain mention of a being that brought great and devastating sound in the planets prehistory, with the text going on to say that the sound was heard by all things and that it caused certain magical wards to break. Flash: emits a wave of dazzling white light in a 360-degree arc, with all within 10 yards/meters required to attempt a combined CON and POW roll or suffer 1D4 damage as the light rips into their flesh and causes painful burns. Tulzschas flames are cold, causing the temperature to drop and breath to fog. Aura Items associated with Rhan Tegoth tend to cause repulsion and harbor a certain degree of loathsomeness if touched. Prktha: a glowing mass of incandescent yellow-white phosphorous. 166 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - O - Encounters Most encounters are likely through contact with a lone practitioner or group Human, ghoul, or otherwise) intent on summoning or connecting with Nyogtha in some manner. Such healing is rapid, occurring as the consumption takes place (assume 1 round per 1 point of SIZ). STR 260 Possible Blessings Watery Breath: granted gills to breathe underwater. To determine if a person is infected, allow a Hard POW roll if the instigation is psychic (see following for the effect of physical touch). For those within 5 yards/ meters, the CON roll is Hard, and damage increases to 1D4+2. The truth of the matter remains, as ever with things concerning the Mythos, uncertain. What stops this being from destroying everything? It's beautifully designed, gorgeously illustrated, and stunningly complete. Other names: Bringer of Pestilence, Decaying One, Father Stinger. In addition, may use the Kiss ability to drain magic points (see above). Where cults to this entity exist, a common rite is a ceremonial bloodletting in which adherents cut their arms to let their blood drip onto idols of their god. The content is where it really shines though, very thorough background information and ideas how to use the Deities and minions in your campaigns. Instant death. Far better may be a connection to Bugg-Shash, as claimed in the Cthaat Aquadingen. In addition, a primal fear of being the prey in the presence of a hunter may overcome some. See how the fleshy substance quivers and ripples, and how it oozes and flows, its course conscious and bearing intent. Such cults tend to be small and temporary, with few lasting more than a handful of years or months. Note that once a person has been bound to the artifact, the item may be touched by others with no harmful effect, although should the owner die or go to Ithaqua (somehow leaving the artifact behind), the next person to touch it will feel its effects and must attempt to resist them or fall under its spell. MESSENGER OF THE OLD ONES, THE A translucent thing, writhing and pulsating with otherworldly energy, with an indescribable shape, everflowing and contorting upon itself, as if a team of horses was joined yet all trying to gallop away in different directions. Being an incorporeal entity, it is immune to all weapons. Otherwise, the parasite must leap onto the human, giving it the chance to gain control. I have a copy of the 2006 Malleous Monstrorum and this is a drastic improvement. Aura Relics and ceremonial items connected to Nug and Yeb tend to be fashioned in Tulu gold, the material most favored by the Kn-yanians, although other metals may be seen; otherwise, such items do not seem to carry any particular resonance. SHUB-NIGGURATH Opposite: Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods Combat Attacks per round: 1 (incorporeal), 2 (human-reptilian form), or 4 (monstrous form) While incorporeal, may only use its mental powers or a vortex attack. 61 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Tidal Wave: the movement of its massive body combined with its will (2 magic points), creates monstrous tidal waves able to capsize boats and devastate coastal communities. Very good book with a lot of content. While most scholars claim it never leaves Azathoths Court, a few have claimed to have discovered evidence suggesting that, from time to time, it may temporarily take leave to manifest elsewhere in the cosmos. What is its weakness? The mi-go are said to be fascinated by Ghroth and one may suspect this curious race is working to devise experiments to better understand the entitys purpose, even to tap into its awesome power in some fashion. Encounters Most will encounter Cthulhu through its cult and the many groups therein. In Lost Carcosa the King shall come to claim his throne, while simultaneously the King reigns there now. From what has been found conveyed through the journals of those who have claimed to have read and understood the tome, the Book of Iod presents this Old One as the harbinger of doom, a death-dealing anti-life godhead, and as a hunter, unleashed to prey upon mortals to satiate its bloodlust. Regenerates 1 hit point per 1 point of damage it inflicts on another (death at zero hit points). In some cases, a human may be transformed in a Child of Shub-Niggurath or else some other twisted 191 CHAPTER 2 m a l TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: SHUB-NIGGURATH STR 360 CON 850 SIZ 600 DEX 140 Hit Points: 145 Damage Bonus (DB): +11D6 Build: 12 Move: 15 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (flail, strike, seize, or trample) Uses a multitude of tentacles and limbs to flail, strike, and seize opponents. Whether there is an intelligence behind such dream-sending or if they are just the emanations of psychic residue infecting the minds of the sensitive is unknown. If reduced to zero hit points, Aphoom Zhah vanishes back to its home. Of course, such talk continues to be academic and unrooted in anything resembling fact. Within such tales may one find commonalities with the cosmic realm of Ithaqua and its binding upon the Earth. From the spawn of Abhoth to yuggs, the monsters of the Mythos are herein described, their lore and statistics updated and revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game. Weather Control: may spend 5+ magic points to affect the weather within 5 miles of the avatar. Regenerates 1D6 hit points for each magic point spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). The victim may break free of the head, although any physical roll suffers a penalty die for being surrounded in jelly (note that breathing is possible, the jelly, apparently, porous enough for oxygen to pass through). 244 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS most prominent. 85% (42/17), damage 5D6 60% (30/12), damage 10D6 Armor None. Powers Overwhelming Aura: those within 50 yards/meters are overcome with the entitys insidious aura (its smell and the tangible effect its presence has upon humans) if they cannot succeed with an Extreme CON roll (those taking precautions deemed suitable by the Keeper may have the difficulty of the roll lowered). If reduced to zero hit points, Tsathoggua melts into a pool of viscid matter. Magical wards and other effects not directly targeting Mguleloc work only if Mguleloc fails a POW roll (requiring a natural 100 result to signify failure). Luckily, appearances of Cythulos are rare. Some appear elemental, as fire or living liquid, while others are fleshy or mineral in aspect. (Outer God) It is hard to describe the events I saw take place amidst the trees on Chicken Hill, and even now, years later, I bear the scars. DEX 40 Combat Attacks per round: 1D4 (tentacles) or 1 (crush) Uses tentacles to strike and grab, or its bulk to crush. Likewise, such progeny is notably common among those mi-go who have taken an active interest in Idh-yaa, with those affected first compelled to consume great amounts of strange matter (such as rocks, metals, crystals, and the like), which presumably partially act as the material from which such creations are formed. Call Of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum Pdf 33 - This is from The Guardian: (link in the comments) I want Psionics to be core so I can play in the Dark Sun setting with updated rules. Little protects against the piercing scream (industrial-strength ear defenders may afford some protection, as may some spells), which forces a Hard CON roll to those within 100 yards/ meters (reduced to Regular difficulty for those beyond this range). No human cults exist on Earth at this time, but it is feasible to expect some folk (perhaps those with associations to Great Cthulhu) to come to know the deity and, in so doing, begin to worship what they might consider to be the wife of Cthulhu and mother of the star-spawn. Some may receive vague impressions they associate with folklore or other human-centered beliefs, while others see deeper and access a clearer Cthulhushaped message. Reports suggest that a certain viol player, Erich Zann (possibly of German extraction), was one such individual, as well as an unnamed musician believed to be living in seclusion in Kingsport, MA. If reduced to zero hit points, a Lesser Elder God bursts into an explosion of fire or light, which may inflict 10D10 damage to anyone (without the wit to quickly depart or find cover) within 100 yards/meters. Each of Cyeghas prisons is said to be guarded by the Vaeyen, lesser entities somehow connected to the deity. Break it off before everyone is killed, with the entity going someplace else or returning home. Avoid the mentality of it versus us, with the Mythos god actively gunning for the investigatorsremember the ant analogy unless the investigators are causing some significant trouble, a Mythos god will pay them little special attention and is more likely to generally strike out, leaving destruction in its wake as it passes through. Thus, virtually any earthbound lifeform is possible, as are a multitude of human appearances. Its no fun if the god-like being has 10 attacks and each one deals 4D10 damage, enough to kill every one of the investigators in the first round without breaking a sweat. The deity responds 60 percent of the time, with this summons overriding its prison wards, although these same wards limit its freedom and it will be pulled back to its dungeon after 4D10 minutes or sooner (once it as eaten its summoner). When Quachil Uttaus is called, a shaft of gray light appears from above and envelopes the summoner, who is unable to escape from this magical beam.
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