A nurse at an urgent care clinic is caring for a client who is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction. Patterns: Bi and trigemeny, couplets and triplets. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? PRI: None when QRSs are not present The nurse should expect a reduction in which of the following common manifestations of advanced cancer? Required fields are marked *. Oncology. Which of the following statements should the nurse make? Rhythm: Irregular, fibrillatory waves may be course or fine Usually set to pace if ventricular rate <60 Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry You are to obtain informed consent for a Spanish-speaking patient scheduled for surgery. Discarded, then begin the 24 hour collection. Your inserting a urinary catheter into a male patient. Crackles heard on auscultation The degree of perpendicular can also be seen as a decrease in amplitude only. A nurse is assessing a client who is postoperative following a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and notes clots in the client's indwelling urinary catheter and a decrease in urinary output. You are taking care of a patient who is admitted for left flank pain with a kidney stone of 1.5 cm. you usually have to score over 80% to pass. each large box = 0.20 seconds, 1: Determine the regularity of the rhythm. Rate: 41-100 bpm Registered Nurse in the Medical. "Cable" that passes through the fibrous sheath separating atria from ventricles. The symptoms are indicative of: The AV node contains specialized cells that can serve as the secondary pacemaker if the SA fails. P waves: Same as PVC P waves: Present A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a recent diagnosis of constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. Place personal items, such as pictures, at the client's bedside. Rate: Depends on underlying rhythm. Compare. Assess the patient Rifampin Your patient has been diagnosed with a hemorrhagic CVA You're providing discharge instructions to a CHF patient. (Select all that apply.). Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? The nurse should identify that an allergy to which of the following foods can indicate a latex allergy? - 1200 mcg Your post-op patient has a Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain in place. Rhythm: Regular except during PJC. A nurse is assessing for compartment syndrome in a client who has a short leg cast. The nurse is taking care of a patient who is terminally ill and has a DNR on file. Which of the following issues should be reported up the chain of command Aspirate the fluid, advance the catheter farther, then re-inflate the balloon. A nurse is teaching a family about the care of a parent who has a new diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Prophecy medical surgical telemetry exam a v1 answers - In addition, Prophecy medical surgical telemetry exam a v1 answers can also help you to check your. The pacemaker's stimulus out put will need to be reprogrammed to produce a stronger current to overcome the resistance. Hair loss on the lower legs "Discontinuing with the treatments is your choice if it is your wish to do so.". Rate: 101-250 bpm Telemetry A, Medical Surgical-Telemetry Exam Content Outline. Correct Answer: The hospitals language interpreter You're reviewing the discharge medication list of a patient diagnosed with gastric ulcer. Which of the following actions would be considered a violation of Hyppa? PRI: None associated with PVC Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry (Latest 2022/2023), Copyright 2023 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy - VAT 10816460017 - All rights reserved, Sign up to Docsity to download documents and test yourself with our Quizzes, Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Relias (Latest 2022/2023) DownLoad to Score A, Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry Questions and Answers 2022, Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Test, Relias Learning Answered 2022, Prophecy RN Pharmacology A (Latest 2022/2023) Already Graded A, Prophecy- Core Mandatory Part II (Nursing) (Latest 2022/2023) Graded A, Medical-Surgical RN A questions and answers latest 2022, Prophecy PACU RN A v1 correct Answers latest 2022 /2023. Everything's an Argument with 2016 MLA Update University Andrea A Lunsford, University John J Ruszkiewicz. Educate the spouse on oxygen use as a medical device in the hospital 111 0 obj
Which of the following assessment findings indicates a hemolytic transfusion reaction? Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the plan of care? QRS: 0.06-0.10(12), Rate: 101-180 To guide Safe and competent nursing and medical practice associated with the use of cardiac telemetry monitoring. The ventricles are paced and sensed. "Ginkgo biloba can cause an increased risk for bleeding. You are to obtain informed consent for a Spanish-speaking patient scheduled for surgery. incompatible blood products and create a systemic inflammatory response. Flex the foot every hour when awake. wrong answer: Report any visual disturbances immediately while on the medications. QRS: 0.06-0.10(12). 226 Math Experts 3 Years in business . Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry exam test Questions And Answers. You are to obtain informed consent for a Spanish-speaking patient scheduled for surgery. 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What should be Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry answered Test 2022.pdf. A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who has osteomyelitis and a prescription for gentamicin. could create the opportunity for infection. A nurse is providing discharge teaching about infection prevention to a client who has AIDS. per minute O2 saturation of 82%. Which of the following food items would you question in the menu of your patient who is diagnosed with celiac disease? 2022 apple notes web clipper shortcut on prophecy labor and delivery rn a v1 quizlet. prophecy medical surgical telemetry exam a v1 quizlet Author: Episode #4 Determine math equations Mathematical equations are a great way to test your problem-solving skills. Which assessment finding would indicate an emergency? Identify which of the following sounds the nurse should document in the client's medical record by listening to the audio clip. A nurse is caring for a client who is 8 hr postoperative following a total hip arthroplasty. The client becomes restless, dyspneic, and has crackles noted to the lung bases. Notching or "rabbit ears" may be present. Chamberlain College of Nursing. Correct Answer: Looking through the chart of a coworker admitted to your unit Correct Answer: Sinus tachycardia You are taking care of a patient who is admitted for left flank pain with a kidney stone of 1.5 cm. 4: Measure the PR Interval When caring for a patient experiencing a tonic clonic seizure, the most appropriate nursing Patterns: Bi and trigemeny, couplets and triplets. They report sudden chest pain pulse ox at 86%. Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Relias. For P wave before PJC, PRI< 0.12 Medical Surgical-Telemetry Exam Content Read more Hope, the above sources help you with the information related to Medical Surgical-Telemetry A V1 Answers. Numbness in the arms A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who is taking warfarin for chronic atrial fibrillation. \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} k^4 2^{-k} Deposition has ordered for your patience to begin a 24 hour urine collection. Rhythm: Regular and it will give you the questions you missed and your incorrect answer. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has stage II cervical cancer and is scheduled for brachytherapy. QRS: 0.06-0.10(12), second degree AV block type II or morbitz II or classic, Rate: Atrial rate>ventricular due to dropped QRSs Keep the client occupied with a manual activity. The patient has a morphine PCA post operatively. There are three tabs that contain separate categories of data.) Prophecy Medical Surgical Exam Answers - Orris. A nurse is updating the plan of care for a client who is receiving chemotherapy. He asks you about the procedure what would be the most therapeutic response? It was an all-compassing, authoritarian dictatorship that subordinated individual needs, and employed police power and mass propaganda to achieve total control., a. A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has laryngeal cancer and is receiving radiation therapy. if you don't pass, click on the details info. Medical-Surgical B 5.0 (2 reviews) Term 1 / 75 Rank in order the sequence of events leading to joint destruction in secondary osteoarthritis (OA) beginning with the effect of an injury to the cervical spine. "This identifies if the pacemaker cells of my heart are working properly." count R waves during 6 seconds and multiply by 10, A) P should precede QRS The nurse should monitor the client's glucose levels on a set schedule, either every 6 hr or per facility protocol. Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry You are to obtain informed consent for a Spanish-speaking patient scheduled for surgery. -arrest Avocados She hears a pop sound after coughing in her surgical wound has dehisced, Apply sterile saline soap towels over the extruding site. A nurse is planning care for a client who is postoperative following a laparotomy and has a closed-suction drain. If an accessory pathway exists which by passes the AV node or if a reentry circuit occurs within the node, a tachyarrhythmia called PSVT can occur(more details later). "Wiring" that allows rapid impulse movement around the atria to coordinate simultaneous atria contraction. A nurse is planning care for a client who has a sealed radiation implant for cervical cancer. PRI: Depends on settings At the AV Node FLAG Eat a low-fat diet. Transcribed image text: Medical Surgical-Telemetry A v1 Question 21 of 60 Time Remaining 41:47 You are on the old me You to the shown to what to be your FIRST Calcode SCP You were that to FASTAFF (US.ing Corporation Main Once checy Avrigt Adediche 29 tv 8 . Which of the following assessment findings should the nurse report to the provider? -Junction or AV node You were caring for a patient who is 18 hours postop after a right BKA a. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a client who has AIDS and is taking amphotericin B for a fungal infection. When assessing a patient, you notice crepitus on the right upper shoulder. The hospitals language interpreter circulatory overload. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? -bradycardia Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider immediately? P waves: See description in PJC above. Flutter waves may be sawtooth or rounded. You may also like to know about: The client has just undergone thoracentesis. Sets found in the same folder. (elaborations) - Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry 2022 7. 67 terms. Terms of Use Canned meats Insulin requirements related to secondary diseases processes D. Knowledge of treatment of care and post-operative complications of common endocrine surgical procedures: 1. A nurse is preparing to administer a blood transfusion to a client who has anemia. QRS: 0.06-0.10(12), Rate: 40-60 bpm Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories Jay H. Withgott, Matthew Laposata. Which of the following findings indicates a potential complication? . 3/11 Prophecy Health Nurse Test Answers. You were caring for a patient who is 18 hours postop after a right BKA a. Which of the following results should the nurse expect? They report sudden chest pain pulse ox at 86%. w@3 Eu93,vsp^UC6S@~vU=6p,4_[j:Vm&@Gdw2uI Pediatric RN. Your patient was just returned from surgery with a Jackson-Pratt JP drain in place which of the following is the best nursing action? Which of the following findings is an indication of lung re-expansion? When taking care of a patient with pancreatitis, which of the following lab should be reviewed? wall and she states "she always takes care of my husband" what would be an appropriate A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has hypertension and a new prescription for verapamil. If the pacemaker fires just as the intrinsic impulse occurs, the two impulses "collide"; the intrinsic traveling from the AV down and the pacer spike from the apex up. PRI: When present they are all the same. PRI: 0.12-0.20 Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? The patient may be experiencing: At 0500, you know your patient to be diaphoretic, clammy, and their hands are shaking. Rate: Depends on underlying rhythm prophecy medical surgical exam a v1 quizlet Prophecy is designed by nurses, for nurses, and evaluates the clinical, . Med Surg 2 - Medical surgical study materials LATEST. Slow the infusion rate circulatory overload. A nurse is teaching a group of newly licensed nurses about pain management for older adult clients. Company Registration Number: 8600593 a sudden cardiac arrest and family wants CPR initiated. A nurse in an emergency department is assessing an older adult client who has a fractured wrist following a fall. Correct Answer: Aspirate the fluid, advance the catheter farther, then re-inflate the balloon When assessing a patient, you notice crepitus on the right upper shoulder. A nurse is assessing a client who is at risk for the development of pernicious anemia resulting from peptic ulcer disease. PRI: Depends on underlying rhythm Rhythm: P waves regular, QRSs regular but at different rates. Which of the following resources would be most appropriate to utilize in order to obtain consent? (Select all that apply. If a 60 dB sound increases to 70 dB, about how much louder is the sound: Because of its chemical similarity to calcium, ${ }_{38}^{90}$ Sr can collect in the bones and present a health risk. Normal: small, round, positive in lead II following is the best nursing action? The patient's blood sugar is currently 60. . Manifestations include low back pain, hypotension, tachycardia, and apprehension. These values indicate the patient is experiencing: Your inserting a urinary catheter into a male patient. A. most floodplains do not preserve evidence of the former position of meanders, B. flow velocity is highest when water takes a shortcut around the inside of a bend, C. meanders migrate inward as sediment is deposited on the inside bend, D. migration of meanders back and forth can help form a floodplain, Describe each of the following vocabulary terms. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the instructions? Which of the following recommendations should the nurse plan to include? It is now 1900. He asks you about the procedure what would be the most therapeutic response? A nurse is caring for a client following extubation of an endotracheal tube 10 min ago. You know the patient needs further education when she states: wrong answer: "I will just take extra units of my insulin". ), A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is perimenopausal and has a prescription for hormone replacement therapy. May be sustained or occur in burst (paroxymal ), Rate: Non-discernable Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? Which of the following statements should the nurse make? -nonconducted premature atrial contraction -junctional rhythm The client tells the nurse, "I wish I could stop these treatments. No progressively longer pattern. END: returns to isoelectric line V-Tach P waves: Same as PVC Rhythm: Regular with late beat Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? PRI: 0.12-0.20 sec Appears to be twisting around a point. Didn't nurse ask you about the typical signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction medical/surgical, psychiatry, pediatrics, and neonatal intensive care. -second degree AV block (mobitz I and II) For which of the following adverse effects should the nurse instruct the client to notify the provider? He asks you about the procedure what would be the most therapeutic response? Abuse Advanced Care Planning Age-Specific Bio-Terrorism Blood Glucose Monitoring Body Mechanics/Ergonomics Do not use a trailing zero.). Correct Answer: Due to the size of the kidney stone it is an appropriate treatment? Rhythm: None Prophecy Medical Surgical Telemetry Exam A V1. Your patient fell and hit his head on the bed rail during a physical therapy session. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? When there You do P waves: An electric spike is seen before a small, atrial P wave representing atrial capture. prophecy medical surgical telemetry exam a v1 quizlet Author: Episode #4. The nurse should recognize that an unexpected finding for which of the following laboratory values is a manifestation of osteomyelitis and should be reported to the provider? There are two left bundle branches and one right. -third degree AV block. Explorerecent.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. >0.20 if ventricular escape rhythm present. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who is to self-administer heparin subcutaneously. Ibuprofen can cause gastrointestinal bleeding in older adult clients. What education should you provide to. A nurse is planning care for a client who is postoperative following a parathyroidectomy. It gave him total control over all aspects of Italian life., d. Benito Mussolini and more. Correct Answer: Morphine Duramorph, oxygen, nitrates, Aceticsalicylic acid, bayer buffered aspirin The Glasgow, scale ranges from: Correct Answer: 3 to 15 You deserve the nurse aid removing her gloves and immediately using alcohol hand sanitizer in a room with a patient who has C-Diff. LATTER PHASE OF VENTRICULAR REPOLARIZATION After a patient completes dialysis, you should anticipate seeing an improvement in which of the following lab values? A PACU nurse is assessing a client who is postoperative following a right nephrectomy. Definition of terms. A. Exacerbation of abdominal tissue growth B. Bony articular surfaces in joint exposed C. Fragile, soft, dull joint cartilage develops Draw the decision tree for sequential search on a list of three elements. The symptoms are indicative of: You're reviewing the menu list of a patient on Warfran what food should they not eat? How much of the medication should the nurse administer to ensure the ordered dose is given. You went to the room of a 58-year-old female. Prophecy medical surgical-telemetry exam test; answered & graded A+, latest summer 2022. Which of the following actions should nurse take to avoid restraining the client? Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Family members in the household should undergo TB testing. B. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a manifestation of this condition? A respiratory rate of 8 breaths per minute, Your patient was admitted with severe dehydration. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. Zenker's diverticulum, or pharyngeal pouch, is a herniation of the esophagus occurring through the cricopharyngeal muscle in the midline of the neck. A nurse is planning discharge teaching for a client who has an external fixation device for a fracture of the lower extremity. During the assessment, the client states, "Last week I crashed my car because my vision suddenly became blurry." Causes include wire dislodgment or a sensitivity setting that is too low. And ABG was drawn and the results are pH? Oversensing is when the sensing threshold is too high causing the pacer to sense any electrical activity as a P or QRS including electromagnetic energy from outside the patient. "I will avoid direct exposure to the sun.". The pacer begins pacing when the HR is 60 or below. To maintain a rate of 60, the pacer will count the milliseconds between ventricular depolarizations(man-made or intrinsic). seen in MI, ischemia, hyper and hypokalemia, pericardititis, ventricular hypertrophy, and with certain drugs (quinidine, procainamide). The client becomes restless, dyspneic, and has crackles noted to the lung bases. Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Give Me Liberty! Bubbling in the water seal chamber ceases when the lung re-expands. What medication would be given in the situation? Which of the following educational topics would be appropriate for you to include as part of patient teaching? P waves: Present throughout strip P waves: As with PJCs A 56-year-old man has an acute onset of shortness of breath, chest pain, apprehension, rapid A nurse is caring for a client who has homonymous hemianopsia as a result of a stroke. Patient is admitted for shortness of breath. B) should be identical in size, shape, position P waves: One before every QRS Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider as an adverse effect of this medication? 100 terms. Parathyroidectomy 2. You're reviewing the discharge medication list of a patient diagnosed with gastric ulcer. What is most likely to be ordered? prophylaxis to prevent stress ulcers Correct Answer: Normal sinus with VTach The patient has a morphine PCA post operatively. Irrigate the indwelling urinary catheter. Aspirate the fluid, advance the catheter farther, then re-inflate the balloon The nurse should identify that which of the following client actions indicates an understanding of the teaching? Upon initial assessment you observe a blood pressure of 90/45, heart rate of 28, and a constricted pupil. -bundle branch block NICU RN. Which of the following antidiabetic medication is contraindicated 48 hours after receiving contrast dye, You're a king for a patient who is postop after surgical removal of fibroids. Bubbling in the water seal chamber has ceased. Which of the following findings from the client's medical record should indicate to the nurse the need to withhold the medication and notify the provider? A nurse is caring for a client who has an arterial line. A patient suddenly complains of new onset of chest pain. A nurse is providing postoperative teaching for a client who had a total knee arthroplasty. The "classic" QRS complex is composed of three distinct waves: Q wave-the negative deflection following the PRI. -Ventricular, -normal any type of inflammatory process, such as osteomyelitis. Rhythm: Regular Which of the following resources would be most appropriate to utilize in order to . Constipation correct electrode placement for leads I, II, III and MCL1 or V1. Holding breath for 10 seconds after inhaling. ventricular escape rhythm or idioventricular rhythm. Prophecy health medical surgical RN A correct Answers 2022 2023. Rate: Depends on pacing settings. Prophecy PACU RN A v1 correct Answers latest 2022 2023. P waves: Same as PVC Which of the following electrolyte value should be Addressed immediately by the nurse Pain that increases with passive movement. 55 terms. Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Relias Exam 2022 latest update. Identify the sequence of actions the nurse should take. You are caring for a patient admitted with diverticulitis. Neuro ICU. Telemetry.. Medical Surgical-Telemetry Exam Content Outline Exam Objective: To measure the overall clinical knowledge of the Registered Nurse in the Medical Surgical-Telemetry setting . following resources would be most appropriate to utilize in order to obtain consent? prophylaxis to prevent stress ulcers. QRS: During standstill, no QRSs are present, Rate: None PRI: Same as PVC PRI: For underlying rhythm 0.12-0.20 Dyspnea : an American History (Eric Foner), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Medical-surgical practice exam. When assessing a patient, you notice crepitus on the right upper shoulder. A nurse is teaching a client who has a cardiac dysrhythmia about the purpose of undergoing continuous telemetry monitoring.
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