Baiken gets extremely annoying when she gets in once due to how her pressure isn't reactable. Vote for Ramlethal's tiers . Try to keep Axl locked down as tight as possible as any escape will lead to more RPS in neutral which can end badly for Baiken. Links into c.S on Counter Hit for a decently powerful conversion. Sol releases a pillar of flame that slowly crawls along the ground. Overview. Mirror Match Midrange R.P.S and Basic Mirror Match Counterplay. Nagoriyuki - 5.6. He has access to j.HGuard:HighStartup:12Recovery:25Advantage:, a fast overhead that combos into j.DGuard:HighStartup:10Recovery:22Advantage: for large damage against the wall, but this normal can be parried, even at the maximum height of the move. Causes floating crumple on ground hit, delaying a follow-up will force stand. If the first hit of a combo, applies an additional +20. Be wary of using H Kabari in neutral too frugally as Anji can abuse the Autoguard to bypass the move and start his offense. Playing Anji Mito oftens requires high-risk, daring decision making to make his kit work against his foes. Sol leans forward and slams his sword into the ground. Bridget. It's risky but can work. On Counter Hit, confirming to Bandit Revolver will allow Sol to link to 5K for a follow-up combo. Games Sol Badguy's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Apart from this, Ram plays a slightly better neutral than Leo and doesn't have to struggle much against him. After a Wall Stick, 5H is commonly used to Wall Break if the timing or position of the opponent prevents you from using Fafnir. A percentage-based damage modifier applied to certain attacks independently of other forms of damage scaling. Please keep in mind the matchup chart is subjective and not all players may agree. Bounces higher on Counter Hit, allowing the follow-up Night Raid Vortex to combo into c.S rather than 5K or 2K. Once Baiken has successfully closed the gap, Axl is prey to her devastating Strike-throw and high-low mixups. It's even possible to perform a safe jump after hitting Bandit Bringer on an airborne opponent by doing a forward jump IAD into delay j.S. During a Homing Jump, canceling any normal into the same normal during hitstop will activate a Finish Blow. As said earlier, you don't really wanna RPS with Goldlewis. What i mean to say is, i think this chart is interesting, but it's not absolutely objectively indicating character strength. Upward swipe that hits overhead pretty quickly. This technique is colloquially referred to as "Run Flame." For Example: 2369 for a j.236 input. Delay its follow-ups to create oppressive frame traps and mix in dash pressure and throws for a deadly strike/throw mix-up. A flying knee which can be followed-up with a spin kick. Applies 5 less Combo Decay on initial hit, for 0 Combo Decay if the first hit of a combo. Clean Hit deals enhanced damage and puts the opponent into a tumble state on hit. I think that's why he is so high though, because he goes evenly, playing him essentially becomes "safe" in that you are rarely going to have a bad matchup, thus leading him to have a high play percentage. Millia's mobility lets her keep Ramlethal honest in neutral. 2S is also still useful. Vote for Leo's tiers . Try to preemptively hit where you think Chipp will be so you can try keeping him locked down. Can be Roman Canceled on hit for decent damage and better okizeme. Kratos vs Sol Badguy (God of War vs Guilty Gear), connections in the comments . Fighting game Guilty Gear Strive will join Game Pass next week, and will be playable on console and PC. Popularity. Player Match] Failed to match with opponent *Fix* :: GUILTY GEAR. Dashing forward in small increments to force Anji into Hiiragi or 5P Abare range is also recomended. Ky Kiske is the go-to "shoto" character alongside Sol. The last letters of a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich (and what some people hope to recieve from #11 Down. 5[D] is also Sol's most damaging normal and launches the opponent if combo'd into, granting it some situational use as a combo extender in certain routes. An easier MU for Ram due to the fact that her normals control a large chunk of space. Be ready to fuzzy a lot when she's on you. On Counter Hit, it can link into either itself, c.S, or Night Raid Vortex. You out neutral him but he heavily out damages you. His Slash normals become much better when he's at high blood to compensate for the fact he can't utilize specials as freely when he's at high blood. Just based on my own experience, Id expect Chipp and Ram to be much worse matchups than May here. Avoid using moves like f.S and 2H to attempt to escape or counter this type of offense. Nago starts to out range even your normals once he starts getting into higher blood levels. Sol floats through the air before doing a diving punch. We'll take our She def needs buffs now. Since Hiiragi can punish a lot of her blockstrings, threaten it and force them to structure their offense differently. The opponent is then forced to block your jumping attack, since reversaling doesn't work, which will give you some nice pressure and hopefully an opening. Sol Badguy vs. May - 18. Hits twice. Baiken. Did you mean? Faust - 5.4. Sol grabs the opponent and headbutts them. Testament - 4.9. That whole Ram thing is a fluke. Press J to jump to the feed. search. Ram has to stay alert of more aggressive pokes with 2H (to catch with its high active time) and 6H (bigger range), riskier but do threaten the neutral. Almost always abbreviated to TK. Used to contest an opponent's air approach or to open up opponents with a fast overhead after doing a delayed air dash. Sol is a character who likes to get up close and personal, but does not sacrifice a balanced toolkit to do so. When he whiffs something like, Business as usual, watch out for Nago doing. Streaming Sunday 12:30 AM ET - Join to fight me!This is a tier list video based on Jack-O's matchups in Guilty Gear Strive If you enjoyed this video please m. Search. Axl will likely attempt to reset to neutral over extending pressure sequences. Sol matchup chart. Giovanna: Although she's a rushdown character, she feels less threatening than other rushdowns. Can throw the opponent either forward or backwards. Vote for May's tiers . Patient play is key, as Anji has the ability to turn any action around on Baiken if he detects sloppy play. If he values his life at least. Here's how you can play Anji Mito in Guilty Gear Strive. Due to it being a projectile, you can't do anything about it. . Use this to break the wall if Fafnir won't combo in time and the opponent is at ground level. Its vertical range and fast recovery makes it a low risk anti-air, and in some cases is more useful than 5K, being easier to utilise on Counter Hit for short burst damage conversions into Clean Hit Volcanic Viper. As for pressure, Ky's DP (Vapor Thrust), though it exists, is not amazing, and not particularly difficult for Ram to deal with, and Ky's pressure is not too scary, especially if Ram has meter. What are the worst matchups in Strive at the moment? You don't like having to work your way in against characters that outrange you. One of Baiken's most annoying tools on block is Kabari, due to how she's built around R.P.S (rock, paper, scissors), she has a stupid amount of gaps that you can get caught by, here's some things you can try doing S Kabari will allow her to get tether after it lands, this is still RPS however. Proper conditioning is a huge part of Sols gameplan. Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. On Counter Hit, the ground bounce can link into a dashing 5K for a combo. Browse our network 9 . 5P, 6K, and 2S are large anti-air moves that control the airspace very well. With the right autoguard triggers, Anji Mito can make explosive plays to punish a foe's advance. Anji has an array of frametraps and mixups to open up Baiken on defense, but is weak to HiiragiGuard:Startup:1Recovery:32Advantage:. It is integral to watch for Chaos' bullet amount and concentration, as they are extremely important to his gameplan. This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 06:50. Corner pressure is especially effective because of his poor mobility and lack of forward/air dashes to get out of sword pressure. Sol has tricky special moves which help him get in, and a suite of normals which . Worst Match. Guilty Gear -Strive-. Ramlethal's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. Unsafe on block or whiff while being barely plus on air block, so consider using less committal anti-airs like 5P or 5K instead in most situations. sweep that can slip under many attacks. I mean there's that but he also has some pretty polarising matchups too? Data in [] represents values on Clean Hit (All versions). Learn all about Sol from Guilty Gear -Strive-; Their stories, goals, utility, and star players right here on DashFight! As a poke, it is one of the faster 5H normals among the cast, giving it a niche thanks to its large Counter Hit effect making for easy and highly damaging hit confirms (such as Bandit Revolver linked into c.S > kara Volcanic Viper). Potemkin - 5.8. Axl. Sol's slower but more powerful strike invincible reversal. It's also a bit more complex than Guilty Gear Strive. Concerns: 12,000 matches is a fuck-tonne and took way too long, but it's actually a super tiny number. Privileged 3 frame normal that does it all. The Clean Hit deals absolutely massive damage, so it should be used to end combos whenever possible. It can also be kara canceled from 6S for another range increase. Testie has a deceptively good j.H jump in that Ram needs to keep an eye out for. A lunging gut punch. You can cancel into this after causing Wall Stick with a normal to build a little bit of Tension and still Wall Break with your attack of choice, as it recovers fast enough that Fafnir can still end the combo. Slight ground bounce on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. This can be performed either from a jump cancelable normal (an air hit 5K/c.S or a CH c.S) or an early combo Bandit Revolver canceled into either a forward dash Purple Roman Cancel into j.K or a downward dash Red Roman Cancel canceled directly into Volcanic Viper deep in the corner. I "modernized" the Blinkitys version to be more accessible. Shorter active window compared to the ground version. Very fast start-up, can potentially throw the opponent out of sloppy pressure or okizeme. Sol has tricky special moves which help him get in, and a suite of normals which excel at setting up frame traps and strike/throw mix-ups. An untechable throw with more range and damage than his normal ground throw, but with the caveats that it starts slower, always side switches on hit with considerably weaker okizeme, and is slightly more unsafe on whiff. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site. He is described as a noble vampire samurai who wields a bloodsucking blade. As Ram, avoid using f.S and 5H, because Millia can easily stay outside their range and just get in when they whiff. Sometimes you can CH the delay as she's right in front of you or you may both may trade. While the round start can feel Baiken favored, you can bait out her Far Slash and play around her 2H. Competent neutral and approach tools that get even stronger with meter. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. Baiken's amazing normals control space very well, so moves like f.s and 2S end up being primary pokes in neutral as there isn't much she can do to contest them herself. His, Faust is a whiff punish fiend so he likes to walk back and use his long buttons in order to try and get these opportunities. H KabariGuard:AllStartup:18Recovery:19Advantage:-3. Trying doing a grounded approach via dash blocking to get in because he has very solid reward off of his anti airs. Worst Match. If it hits the opponent raw, it can lead into a very high damaging Homing Jump combo. May plays neutral thanks to her amazing buttons that let her bully a lot of character, but Ram simply has better buttons for that. For example, if Sol has 15% popularity the top 150 players are counted. * Proration: Forced 75%. 8.5K 30.5K 2.7K . Roman Canceling the throw on hit can lead to equivalent damage to its grounded counterpart by shifting down into the same basic Red Roman Cancel route mid-screen or canceling directly into a falling j.D and comboing into a Dustloop in or near the corner. Universal Sweep. Combos into 2D for a hard knockdown. You should be gaining ground when you block it, not getting pushed back. Has the longest horizontal range amongst all his normals, very fast start-up, and high damage but also has poor vertical range, long recovery on whiff, is very unsafe on block, and cannot be special canceled. Baiken's small stature and large buttons work well to corner Axl. Similarly, you should avoid chasing after Millia, as she can run circles around you (despite the fact Ram is no slouch herself). No reliable utility as an anti-air due to its incredibly slow start-up. The number of frames for which a move has hitboxes. Roman Canceling this move retains Sol's upward momentum unless the Roman Cancel is shifted in any direction. Search Results - Showing 0 - 34 Of 129. On air hit, it can combo into specials that lead into additional follow-ups (such as the first hit of Bandit Revolver or even Gun Flame in the corner) or it can combo into Bandit Bringer for a hard knockdown if it hits high enough. The high knockback of the follow-up provides strong corner carry and leads into meaty f.S anywhere, though it gives much poorer okizeme mid-screen. Useful for stagger pressure and for mashing out of large gaps in the opponent's pressure. Ideal combo ender and potential extender. Compared to 6P, its hurtbox is a bit taller, but a raw 2D is safer if there's a chance of it being blocked. Leo's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. While H Kabari is minus, this doesn't mean you can just mash on Baiken though. Use it after an empty jump to catch opponents expecting an overhead or in c.S or f.S pressure to represent the threat of a low that is difficult to challenge while you're at frame advantage. Anji does have a projectile in Shitsu, but sending it out in neutral can be nullified by Tatami Gaeshi before Anji can act again. The advancing plus on block mid. Furthermore, 6P special cancels on block which will let you start running your pressure. Be sure to check the stickied FAQ before posting. Gun Flame is plus on block if it hits meaty or at a range, making it a strong pressure and okizeme tool. It doesn't matter if she bodies all the lower tiers if she loses to the top tiers. Remind them that blocking isn't everything. However will usually just get him damage and, Faust offense isn't super scary from fullscreen unless he has a bajillion items and you keep allowing him to throw them. Arc System Work's Guilty Gear Strive released this past June, and while players are still learning the plenty of nuanced mechanics the game offers, certain characters are already rising above the rest.. You're gonna be guessing a lot since as Nago makes you block a normal, he can always just special cancel and decide to either be safe or plus. However, the short range of the first hit, the high knockback of the second, and the forced Wall Break in the corner makes this difficult mid-screen and impossible in the corner. Match-up is in Nago's favor. Ya I was watching SQ (top ram player) stream and someone asked her about Ram vs. Pot and she jokingly said "Potemkin wins 100-0" then was like "realistically it's probably close but comes down to the players and match up knowledge". Accompanied by a wolf spirit called Rei, Giovanna is an officer in the special operations unit that protects the President of the United States. Its fast speed and quick recovery make it a strong poke at mid range, though to be used with caution as it can easily be low profiled by some preemptive options, such as most 2K normals. I am not going to be able to explain it nearly as well as he does, so if you are interested in what I have done, please watch his talk. This is a very momentum based matchup, first to break the wall usually wins. If the knee attack connects while the opponent is airborne, Sol can drop the follow-up for much stronger okizeme or link into 5K to extend combos. They are still quite awful on whiff however, and proper baiting of moves like Nago's, Keep an eye on his blood! This allows him to build meter and Risc to eventually cash out with RinNo results or 5D. She is dressed in business casual attire, a loosely worn white shirt with bright green pulled . Chipp. If anyone else here is interested in this, please check out the code Alex Jaffe wrote here: Anyways, running the code on my own, this is the chart that I got from it: (Sorry in advance for the axis labels!). Dragon Ball FighterZ Brawlhalla Guilty Gear -Strive-Soulcalibur VI Skullgirls 2nd Encore Killer Instinct Multiversus The King of Fighters . This is a definitive Matchup Chart for I-No in Guilty Gear Strive. A very well-timed jump attack on a character who is rising from a knockdown. . On hit, it knocks opponents back in a bizarre-looking ground bounce that can combo directly into Night Raid Vortex. Es la conclusin de la historia de Sol Badguy (A.K.A. May has very strong tools against Axl like after his 2H or 214H are blocked he is minus so she can go for dolphin to punish or close the distance easily. 24. Axl just doesn't get as much leeway in neutral because the range she can start threatening him is much larger than most other characters. This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 20:20. Second hit can Clean Hit at close range. Guilty Gear Strive is a fighting video game developed and published by Arc System Works.It is the seventh mainline installment of the Guilty Gear series, and the 25th overall. If Chaos uses Concentration or Reload, you can attack with 623P, 214P, or j.214S at short to mid range. Sol's main combo ender mid-screen when Volcanic Viper won't Clean Hit. Jack-O's space control with minions can be difficult to maneuver around, but once Baiken gets in, it's over. While he does do an obscene amount of damage off the right hits, and while he can call her out in neutral, Ram generally has the upper hand. Either way, the opponent will be pushed away. He's also armed with powerful mid-ranged tools such as 6S, a sizeable poke, and Gun Flame, a mid-ranged projectile that is plus on block if it hits meaty or at max range. Sol lunges forward half-screen with a flaming straight punch. The attack launches higher and deals more damage at full charge, launching even higher on Counter Hit. A special type of blocking done by inputting a block immediately before blocking an attack. This is Sol's only fully invincible reversal, but the first hit has poor range and the entire attack is unsafe on block or whiff. Nagoriyuki is a playable character in the Guilty Gear series who makes his first appearance on Guilty Gear -Strive-. Offense. Low hitting disjoint used to help control neutral. Air dashing in neutral vs. Axl is dumb and risky but I see people do it all the time for some awful reason. The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. If she does the follow up right after, she'll frame trap your mash, if she delays it, she can either go right through you which will leave you advantageous due to Baiken being in endlag. The two I found were Chipp against Pot and Pot against Doctor Who. This move mostly gets used as a combo part after c.S since it launches the opponent high for easy follow-ups with Bandit Revolver or a knockdown with Bandit Bringer, and occasionally as a big anti-air against characters that can stall their fall like Zato with Flight. Our Guilty Gear Strive leaderboards are designed to give players an overview of what a duel feels like in GGST and give you a good idea of what players are using to win battles in the current version of the game. Includes first active frame. Any airborne action can evade Heavy Mob Cemetery if timed well, so its usefulness is low if the opponent isn't committed to an action or has 50% Tension to stop themselves. After spending a considerable time with Testament, I'm finally ready to share with you my matchup chart for them in Guilty Gear Strive! This move travels very far very quickly, ultimately giving it a niche as a full screen whiff punishing tool. Pay attention to the opponent's meter to determine when to be wary of YouzansenGuard:HighStartup:9Recovery:Landing+7Advantage:-14 (TK) in her mixup. Crow beats Sword Toss but this is more of a general inconvenience than a game changer. While its range is shorter than f.S, it functions as a good counter poke at the same speed, as it does not move Sol's hurtbox very far forward while sporting a significantly disjointed hitbox. This is a primary way to escape Baiken's H Kabari RPS situation due to its range and speed, but will lose to the followup. He also gets high damage off of a successful counterpoke in neutral, so manage the risk of poking appropriately to minimize the risk of a counterattack. 6S can be kara canceled into any special move. Situational whiff punish at best, funny "why not" move at worst. Can be used when fighting extremely distant and defensive opponents to build Tension, though the amount built is too small to mean much unless it's spammed multiple times. Guilty Gear Strive is the latest entry into a more than two-decade old franchise, . Hard knockdown on ground hit or Counter Hit. It's not reliable to try going for these though. Gatling Options: 6P, f.S, 2S, 6S, 5H, 2H, 6H, 5D, 2D. Data in [] represents values when fully charged. Hits twice. Refer to the. Leads into Bandit Revolver on hit from just about any range aside from the very tip (in which case the second hit can still be used to take a knockdown), which can then be Red Roman Canceled for more damage. The real issue is the whiff recovery he has on s.dp and f.s, and the ability to convert off a huge variety of situations. Guilty Gear Strive originally released in June 2021 . This is also Sol's optimal corner combo ender after causing a Wall Stick thanks to its high damage, single hit nature. A place for casual and competitive play, character discussion, questions, and everything else about Guilty Gear. It's good to go for something low committal like 6P when you're decently close to her since it has quick recovery and can counterhit Baiken's f.S. After throwing the opponent mid-screen, your options are either to use IAD j.H for a safe jump or frame kill 5P into Fafnir to resume pressure, but in the corner, you can also opt for an OTG c.S into okizeme as they recover from soft knockdown. He doesn't do great in average win chance, but because he does so well against Sol (according to the data) and goes even against Chipp, he moves up a bit. If it hits a grounded opponent, they will be put into a floating crumple that causes immediate follow-ups to behave as though the opponent was airborne, but delaying them will result in a forced stand. As both hits are overheads, during air dash setups it is possible to cancel the move into j.D to land early and 2K instead, which makes for a mix-up that is fairly hard to see. Giovanna has red hair and a tanned skin complexion. Wall damage in ( ) refers to if opponent is touching the wall. Since there will be certain types of people choosing to play May vs Axl or Anji vs I-No and btw certain character scarcity also plays a role, atleast for me personally wether i want to play a certain match up at a point in time, we will have certain people dodging certain matchups or favoring others etcetc. Due to the meter changes, he can get positive bonus and force you to take unavoidable chip damage if you don't use FD. Links into c.S on Counter Hit for a decently powerful conversion. All three of them do excellent against Axl which is Goldlewis worst MU, but GL does good against May and Millia and not as bad against Chipp as against Axl. Please take my money Tattie!!!!! I dont think I've ever seen an Axl vs May fight but it being +4 in May's favor seems bananas to me. I don't understand what makes that matchup positive for Anji. A vital part of Sol's mix-up game as the fear of being hit by this move will incentivize the opponent to either jump or mash out of pressure, allowing Sol to fish for Counter Hits and anti-airs. An input method to perform a special move in the air as fast as possible after you leave the ground. Pay close attention to how much Axl is committing to that button and counterattack. He wears a white coat with purple lining decorated with silver studs and . ShitsuGuard:AllStartup:29Recovery:Total 52Advantage:-6 on a Hard Knockdown has amazing utility for Anji as it avoids risking a Meaty attack getting parried while enforcing a Strike-Throw scenario or a High-Low with Fuujin. He further explained that Ramlethal is a hard matchup . This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. Ram plays in about the same ranges and spaces Ky plays, but she does it better. I literally can't even play the game against Chipp. This opening is designed such that the attacker can easily counter the defender's attack with his own. If you land 6S on the first active frame, the remaining duration is the same whether you cancel into Gun Flame (Feint) or not, so doing so allows you to build more Tension and pull your hurtbox back, rendering the move more difficult to punish in neutral. Alternatively, you can perform an OTG with low-reaching special cancelable normals such as 2S and cancel into Gun Flame to maintain pressure, or OTG with 6H to maximize damage. Overview | Frame data | Matchups | Strategy Return to Top. Playing as Axl, May can be rough sometimes, but Chipp is absolutely painful. She does have, Ram on offense is usually business as usual. Instant BlockA special type of blocking done by inputting a block immediately before blocking an attack. Matchups. Sol also boasts a set of versatile defensive moves that complement universal defensive mechanics. She's really annoying but you can pretty much do things as usual. I don't have time to do any Eddie setups at all, he's rushing me down 24/7, and taking advantage of Zato's weak defense (as . The number of frames after a move's active frames during which the character cannot act assuming the move is not canceled. Leads into absurd damage with Roman Cancel by shifting either a whiffed or a canceled Red Roman Cancel downward, giving Sol time to run underneath the opponent and fully charge 5[D] even after switching sides. Can also be kara canceled into from 6S to move Sol forward before launching the projectile. The Gear Hunters Saga), ambientada en Washington, y que presenta su confrontacin final con That Man, Asuka R. Kreutz. Dustloop Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to games developed by Arc System Works. Holding any upward direction during the hitstop of a raw, charged Dust Attack on hit will activate Homing Jump: Initiating a Homing Jump will put the opponent into a unique air combo state, resulting in an Area Shift. To challenge these normals, Ky pretty much has to commit to. I think most interestingly is Leo.