Democrats Eric Adams New York City mayoral candidate and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams speaks at a press. New York, February 27, 2023 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has changed the outlook on the rating of Africa Finance Corporation (AFC or the corporation) to negative from stable and has affirmed AFC's long-term issuer and senior unsecured ratings at A3, as well as AFC's short-term issuer rating at P-2. There are just so many more candidates running so many more women, so many people of color in places where you would never have seen them run before, she said. Doing his job as the leader of the City Council while running for mayor would be too much, he said. With votes still being counted, those in competitive races appeared to have mixed results. Here are some tips. But the election this year carries more weight: Its one of the first major contests to be held as the pandemic recedes, and it could be a bellwether for Democratic sentiment on issues like police reform, housing and education. Mr. Stringer prevailed in a close primary election. In the Bronx, eight candidates, some of them fresh to politics, are running for a seat left vacant by a longtime political stalwart. Bloomberg won four of the five boroughs, the exception being the Bronx. 2024 Polls Show DeSantis Cant Easily Knock Out Trump. Gavin Newsom has steadfastly refused to endorse either Karen Bass or billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso, both Democrats. It is separate from the newsroom. In 2013, Christine Quinn had the most name recognition in the mayors race and she didnt make it, Mr. Benjamin said. Kathryn Wylde, CEO of the big business group the Partnership for New York City, asked Wednesday night in a post-debate assessment for The New York Times. The Bronx: Three candidates are fighting to replace the outgoing president, Fernando Ferrer. Ms. Buckner said she expected that same pattern to hold in this years elections. As a borough president, Boylan can offer a yea or nay vote on a rezoning, though the true power comes from the Council Member whose district would be impacted by the rezoning. On her website, Watkins supports abolishing mayoral control, including the heads of Community Education Council's onto the Borough Board, and reducing a school nurse shortfall. In Central Brooklyn, Crystal Hudson, a first-time candidate who has worked for the citys public advocate and the Councils Democratic majority leader, is running a tight race against Michael Hollingsworth, an organizer and first-time candidate backed by the Democratic Socialists. But once again, Mr. Bunkeddeko represents the best chance at getting a more vibrant voice for the district. Coreys a juggernaut given his overwhelming name recognition and fund-raising.. There are also a number of former City Council members looking to return to seats they had vacated and squaring off against newcomers. Gale Brewer, the outgoing Manhattan borough president, is running to reclaim her former City Council seat. Walgreens Wont Sell Abortion Pills in Red States Even Where Its Legal. Four of the five, save Kallos, are based on the west side of the borough. New York Post. With the June 22 primary approaching, the Democratic candidates for New York City mayor are steadily landing endorsements from top politicians and organizations in the city and state. Fast Fact: Kallos emulates Brewer I want to be Gale Brewer when I grow up. Mr. Stringer, then the Manhattan borough president, was the front-runner after he like Mr. Johnson dropped out of the race for mayor. Manhattan is considered one of the world's foremost commercial, financial, and cultural centres. City Hall Bureau Chief at City & State New York . But the campaign argues that Mr. Gibbs, who earned $3.2 million in 2020, and Mr. Keilin . Bowman helped found a public middle school in the Bronx, the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action, and promises to work for all of the district, including sections he says have been neglected during Mr. Engels time in Congress. It is held by his wife, Inez, who took it from him but faces term limits this year. It leads to the question of how capable he will be in standing up to those massive forces pushing back against progressive change as comptroller.. The nation badly needs new faces, new energy, new talent and new ideas. The president surprised and angered some Democrats by declining to veto a GOP effort to block a D.C. bill. (Courtesy photos; Gary . But the clearest ideological divide may be on policing, an issue pushed to the forefront by both the national protest movement and the recent spike in crime. The comptroller will have an important role in overseeing how $6 billion in federal stimulus is spent. "G.O.P. He is currently representing Eric Garners mother, Gwen Carr, in a case against Mayor Bill de Blasio over her sons 2014 death at the hands of police. Over the years, the Council has shifted to the left, he said, in part driven by the citys changing demographics. accused her former boss, Governor Andrew Cuomo, of harassment. City Councilman Mark Levine, who emerged as a prominent voice on COVID-19, is among the leading candidates . The suspect was apprehended in South Carolina by the United States Marshals on Friday afternoon. Then, of course, there is the reality that the system was not serving many New Yorkers well long before coronavirus ever arrived in the city. Maya Wiley, a civil rights lawyer and former counsel to Mayor. The city had a 20 percent unemployment rate, and is still projecting hefty future budget gaps. Donors in New York Await a Parade of Presidential Hopefuls," by The New York Times' Maggie Haberman and Nicolas Fandos: "New York City's heavy-hitting Republican-leaning donors . A day before the election, its still anyones race. Wiley has won the backing of high-profile progressives, while Morales is seeking to be the standard-bearer of the grass-roots left (though her campaign has struggled with internal dysfunction). While warmer days are bringing back block parties and crowded parks in other boroughs, much of Midtown is still eerily empty and dotted with vacant storefronts. A former bi-lingual math and science teacher and the founder of Neighborhood Trust Federal Credit Union, Mark was first elected to represent the 7th Council district-one of the most diverse in New York City-covering West Harlem/Hamilton Heights, Morningside Heights, and parts of . Endorsements 2021 VID endorses candidates and ballot proposals in all national, state, and local elections. Dec 2020 - Feb 2021. Mike Pences 2024 Strategy Totally Depends on Iowa Evangelicals. He offered gold-wrapped candy bars in a stunt that showed he isnt a worthy successor to his dad. The best candidate to replace her is Mondaire Jones, an official in the Department of Justice in the Obama administration and a former lawyer in the Westchester County Law Department. And heres how the leading candidates spent the campaigns last weekend. His plans to use the office to address climate change and ensure an equitable recovery from the pandemic earned him early endorsements from unions, progressive groups and politicians such as Representative Jamaal Bowman and Tiffany Cabn, a candidate for the City Council who nearly pulled off a long-shot campaign for Queens district attorney. This years contest had seemed to revolve around four elected Democratic officials: Mr. Lander; Brian Benjamin, a state senator representing Harlem and the Upper West Side; Kevin Parker, a state senator from Brooklyn; and David Weprin, a state assemblyman from Queens. DISTRICT 14 (eastern Bronx and north-central Queens): Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needs no introduction. Watkins, president of Community Education Council 3, has framed herself as the "anti-establishment" pick for borough president. Charles Barron, a state assemblyman, is running for his old seat in Brooklyn. A veteran lawmaker,Brad Hoylman's legislative experience derives from the state capitol, where as state senator for Manhattan's 27th District he sponsored a number of bills, including the Childs Victim Actexpanding the statute of limitations on sex abuse allegationswhich became law. His life story is inspiring. housing attorney who the current council member endorsed. In 1977, Stein was elected as borough president of Manhattan, defeating Robert F. Wagner Jr. and New York City Clerk David Dinkins in the Democratic primary. He served as first chief deputy at the state attorney generals office, where he oversaw some 1,200 people and successfully sued the Trump Foundation for illegally using campaign funds experience that could be invaluable because the next Manhattan district attorney will be left with finishing Mr. Vances investigation into the former presidents business dealings. On major audio streaming platforms, that payout might take five million to 10 million streams. Mr. Mr. Benjamin, who earned degrees from Brown University and Harvard University, and worked as an investment adviser at Morgan Stanley, may benefit if the battle between Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lander turns off voters, or compels some to list only one of them in ranked-choice ballots. That power is also amplified in their appointment of community board members. Yet it may not be a loss for the left. From left to right, candidates Maya Wiley, Scott Stringer, and Eric Adams. In Tennessee, Even Abortion to Save a Womans Life May Be Illegal. La votacin en persona comienza el 29 de octubre. A Times classic: The 20 best TV dramas since The Sopranos.. The 4-Day Week Is for White-collar Workers. Christopher Simpson for The New York Times, which David Leonhardt wrote about last week, Heres a look at the candidates positions, shipping 2.5 million vaccine shots to Taiwan, discuss Joe Manchins Senate and New York Citys mayoral race. Seven candidates are vying to replace outgoing Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer. Endorsed by: the citys largest teachers union. Of the eight candidates on the ballot in the district, three Amanda Farias, Michael Beltzer and William Moore ran for the seat in 2017. His candidacy was endorsed by The New York Times. Who's Running For Manhattan Borough President? Whoever wins the job will face a rise in shootings, homicides and other violent crimes to thwart. Adams, Garcia and Stringer all came up through city government or local politics. But I dont feel like Im anywhere near the place I was because I took the time to focus on myself and my well-being and my recovery.. 1365 2048 Anthony Hidalgo . It is fair to say that swayed the majority of the board in favor of Mark Levine," Mckee told amNewYork Metro. Members assume voting privileges after 90 days of membership in good standing. P.S. Rubn Daz Sr., a candidate opposed to equal rights for women and gay people, who doesnt belong in todays Democratic Party. More people-powered approaches to Holyman's governing style include the creation of a Public School Parent Advocacy and Resource Center at the BP's office, and giving community boards greater power in deciding where the BP's budget should be allocated. In several districts, newcomers are squaring off against candidates with political ties. The Manhattan district attorneys office is home to some of the most talented prosecutors in the country and Mr. Bragg has demonstrated he understands what can be accomplished without going to some of the political extremes weve heard in this election. As he put it, housing needs were a five-alarm fire even before the job losses of the coronavirus pandemic. The anger among advocates of the police budget cuts was palpable: Protesters gathered outside Mr. Johnsons boyfriends apartment building, and it was vandalized. In The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island, voters will soon choose replacements for the current office-holders: respectively, Ruben Diaz Jr., Eric Adams (who is running for mayor), Gale Brewer (who is running for her old seat in the City . The phone call came earlier this month, not long after Corey Johnson made his surprise late decision to join the New York City comptrollers race. Mr. Johnson said he had been feeling healthy for months when in February colleagues and union leaders began encouraging him to enter the race. I feel ready to be the citys chief financial officer.. Here are our endorsements in the congressional primaries. Privacy Policy and The Tokyo Olympics will allow spectators (if they live in Japan, and with restrictions). David Leonhardt is off this week. The former president endorsed roughly 300 candidates in the midterm elections. In golf, Jon Rahm won the U.S. Open by a single stroke in a dramatic finish. Weather permitting, Paula and I will . v. t. e. The 2021 New York City borough president elections were held on November 2, 2021. When Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams officially announced his candidacy for mayor on Nov. 19, 2020, New York City was reeling from the double calamity You can reach the team at The first endorsement was in 1852 for Winfield Scott and the most recent one was for Joe Biden in 2020. He's also landed endorsements from Rep. Grace Meng; state Senators John Liu and Jeremy. DISTRICT 16 (northern parts of the Bronx and southern half of Westchester County, including Mt. The winner will guide New Yorks post-pandemic economic recovery. Ms. Menin has been a strong force in downtown Manhattan, fighting for more funds for a culture center at the former. In the Bronx, Rubn Daz Sr., a Pentecostal minister who created a furor in the Council in 2019 when he said it was controlled by the homosexual community, is stepping away from politics after nearly 20 years in public office. The New York Democrats running for mayor are in general quite progressive compared to Democrats elsewhere in the country, but there are some clear political differences between the candidates, especially when it comes to issues like policing, real estate and the business community, Katie says. Maya Wiley, a civil rights lawyer and former counsel to Mayor Bill de Blasio. . State Senator Brian Benjamin is focusing his campaign for comptroller on communities of color and pension-fund retirees who still live in the city. In this years election, the more moderate candidates, Eric Adams and Kathryn Garcia, are leading in recent polls. Adem Bunkeddeko greeted residents as he canvassed around the Albany Houses project in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y., in 2018. The June 22 primary is taking place amid a rise in violent crime in New York City and a national debate over the role of prosecutors The Manhattan district attorney's office. Mr. Bragg also served as a federal prosecutor under Preet Bharara, a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, prosecuting public corruption, wage theft and, at one point, a violent money-laundering scheme linked to the Sinaloa cartel of Mexico. For Mr. Jones, policy is personal. I say it all the time. Like the race for mayor, the contest for comptroller may be the citys most consequential in decades, and the June 22 Democratic primary will most likely decide its winner. Matthew K. Heafy of the metal band Trivium has about 220,000 followers on Twitch. The network has reportedly instituted a soft ban on Trump, a huge problem for his campaign and for Fox News if the policy backfires. Assemblyman David Buchwald, who represents part of the Congressional district, has strong local support and some credibility fighting corruption in Albany. And over in Queens, six Democratic contenders are vying for a shot at flipping that boroughs sole Republican Council seat. In her first term, she helped build a national progressive movement, becoming a leading voice on climate change, income inequality and racist policing. In a borough where Democrats vastly outnumber Republicans, the winner of the June 22 primary contest is very likely to cruise to victory in November, and there is a crowded field of talented lawyers who are vying to replace him. His campaign is focusing on communities of color and the thousands of pension-fund retirees who still live in the city. With Boylan participating in the city Campaign Finance Board, it translates to more than $440,000, according to Boylan's estimates (the CFB has yet to tabulate that number). Asha Castleberry-Hernandez is a major in the Army Reserves, a former State Department adviser and a lecturer in foreign policy and global security. But the citys legislative body is facing heavy turnover, attracting scores of candidates in crowded races that could prove just as consequential in shaping New Yorks future. Levine announced his candidacy for Manhattan borough president in January 2020. The system has produced robust fields of candidates for the Council posts. The next comptroller will be the eyes and ears of how the mayor brings back the economy, said Scott M. Stringer, the current comptroller, who is running for mayor. In many races, candidates are hoping the electorate sees the possibility of major change as a boon and are seizing the moment. Under her tenure as chair, Caputo pushed for the installation of a bike lane along Amsterdam Avenue, advocated for bringing Citi Bike to Manhattan, and held hearings in 2015 to examine the de Blasio administration's Mandatory Inclusionary Housing program, which mandate developers create 20% of affordable housing units for any new residence in exchange for tax breaks. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioning Facebooks chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, at a House Financial Services Committee hearing last fall. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. Either way, Manhattan needs a leader dedicated to keeping the public safe without returning to the overly punitive practices deployed for so many years. When it comes to endorsements, Levine received a boost from three Latina lawmakersCouncil Member Diana Ayala and Assembly Members Carmen De La Rosa and Catalina Cruzwho recently endorsed Levine, giving him a leg up in securing the Latin and Hispanic vote. Two Uptown stalwarts are supporting New York state Sen. Brad Hoylman as he's opening a Harlem office for his Manhattan borough president run, an effort to make inroads into a rival's turf.