However, it offers money and good health when it sits in the 5th house. Their soft-spoken personality and dreamy eyes give them the appearance of being on another plane of existence. People may assume that you are into spooky stuff and dismiss some of your ideas about the world and beyond because they consider you to be a bit quirky, in an innocent and endearing way. You may also like to read Leo Ascendant Meaning and Personality Decoded. Your life will be directed by feeling, and by the sense perhaps of an unseen "Hand" guiding it all. All Rights Reserved. 13. If Pisces is your "Rising Sign" aka "Ascendant". You have a strong desire to experience life to the fullest and explore different cultures and lands. If you see your Pisces friend struggling to keep their feet pampered and clean, make sure you ask them if theyre doing okay! It can deplete the wealth and ruin the health of the natives. They might also be incredibly graceful on their feet, wearing shoes that show off their angular feet and doing dance moves that show off their footwork. Three things in astrology are main: The 12 houses, the 12 zodiac signs, and the Sun. Pisces Rising Appearance The Pisces rising people are one of the most beautiful in the zodiac. You always send out positive energy and hope for the best. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is responsible for the way you look ( your physical appearance) and the way you socialize (your first impression on people around you). Its the first layer of your spiritual being that comes in contact with your environment! Nice thick and bouncy hairs. And, Pisces was in your 1st house at the time of your birth. It's not surprising then that many of the Pisces physical appearance traits can be seen in those who share the creative and emotional personality of this zodiac sign. Its not their strength. Pisces risings are always old souls and they look as though theyve experienced something many times before. The Pisces Ascendant natives are nicely proportioned. They can also fall into depression. You may find great fulfillment in higher learning and travel. The Pisces ascendant woman celebrities include, . A Pisces rising man becomes a very loyal husband. Its very easy. Pride and courage are also characterizing . Pisces is an extremely creative zodiac sign. Ascendant is 1rst house, 1rst house is Aries house and Aries is ruled by Mars. The physical appearance and mannerisms of a Pisces rising individual are often marked by a soft, gentle, and ethereal aesthetic. Venus is an ardent enemy of Pisces ascendants. To simplify things further, lets combine the two factors listed above: Your zodiac sign was Aries because you were born on or between March 21st and April 19th. If youre his wife, youll never leave the bed unsatisfied. He takes his own sweet time to drive his lady crazy in bed. Although, it may be equally difficult for them to establish their own style. They are usually shorter and have rounded features and bodies. They often have great teeth, strong noses and straight hair. Pisces is connected to the whole universe. Pisces Rising people are known to be very impressionable and easily influenced by what they see and feel around them, making them the true chameleons of the zodiac. These people are also at the risk of bone and joint diseases like arthritis at the later stages of their lives. My spirit animal is the mighty barn owl. Overall Pisces natives are good looking and of pleasant appearance. Your zodiac sign depends on your birth month. When you are Pisces ascendant, you tend to believe the best in people, even when all the evidence and your gut are telling you not to. No matter the color or shape, their eyes are always magnetic, piercing and incredibly hypnotic. The Pisces ascendant man celebrities include, Leo Ascendant Meaning and Personality Decoded, Secrets Of The Zodiac Sign Pisces: Pisces Traits, Virgo Ascendant Meaning and Personality Decoded, Taurus Man: Complete Personality Decoded! They often enjoy wearing airy clothing, floral patterns, but also colorful outfits. The ascendant in Pisces indicates that you do your best to be kind all the time. Answer: Well it definitely depends on where Jupiter and Neptune are placed as well as other chart placements. Aquarius tends to be idealistic and sociable. You are probably interested in the supernatural because your own senses have revealed things to you. Maybe I could identify with Aquarius too because is my dominant sign and I have some unusual things in my body, lol. It could be their creative or spiritual energy. Think about Pisces Kurt Cobain who in just 27 years of life changed music history with angst-filled ballads, a public romance, parenthood and an insatiable desire to break down a corrupt system. He believes in pleasing his lady. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The core of the personality is, however, the Sun. Although their countenance exudes a sense solemnity they carry themselves with a relaxed ease. Pisces Ascendant Love Life What are Pisces Rising Attracted to? You usually listen to your heart, not to your brain. These individuals know exactly what they want in life. This can be seen in their eyes. What is a Pisces rising man attracted to? Their gait is cheerful and relaxed. Many people whose ascendant falls in this sign are attracted to spirituality, the occult, psychology. The Planets close to, or conjunct, the Ascendant tend to be more noticeable than the sign on the ascendant (should Jupiter be Conjunct the Ascendant in Capricorn, the physical appearance will, in most cases, be more "Jupiterian" than "Capricornian"). Being a water rising sign, emotions play a big role in your life and they can influence your actions to a great extent. These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have the Best Week, Thanks to the New Moon in Pisces. But the easiest way to recognize a Pisces Ascendant is in their eyes. Pisces Rising women appear almost angelic with their glassy eyes. There isnt exactly a striking trait that defines your character. Being so aware of the underlying changes in your environment also enables you to influence your environment. Virgo risings tend to blush easily, not because of their prudish reputation, but because theyre secret romantics and sensitive to other peoples energy! This placement is also fairly common in spiritual circles. The ascendant is vital in a birth chart. With Piscean people governing this house, we can see these themes show up within the way they look, dress and decorate. In a relationship, you want to be loved unconditionally and give the same in return. They know that you are the type to have unusual ideas, and the ability to make them read. You might outsource analytical thinking to your partner and rely on their judgment for mundane things. 5. Because Pisces rules over the feet, these people have a tendency to have beautiful and attractive ankles and toes. The Ascendant represents identity, instinct, first impressions, appearance, and our initial style of engagement or how we get things started. Aries. Because you are so good at understanding people, you fall often, as you can see what is unique and special about each. You love spending time with people and you are a great listener who never judges or advises. Though, be carefulthey *do* have a resting judgment face, even if they dont mean to! Psychology and Physical Appearance of people born in 12 Ascendants (Lagnas) 25 0. They usually have a sturdy build with a strong posture. Think of Pisces icons Liza Minelli, Queen Latifah, Kristin Davis and Eva Mendes, who are all celebrities who defy the laws of aging and still have the essence of childhood and youthfulness written on their faces. The Rising Sign or the Ascendant is what defines how you present yourself to the world, including your looks. People often think they are cute. If youre not sure what your ascendant or rising sign is, input your date, time and location of birth in this natal chart calculator to find out! It is symbolized by the fish. Now, there are 24 hours in a day and 12 houses and 12 zodiac signs. Their energy is subtle, not normally direct, mysterious, but not necessarily secretive, visionary, intuitive. A strong and willful Aries rising might be known for its broad shoulders and capable stature. Its hard to point out a defining trait in their personalities because of their tendency for escapism. You also tend to look for the greater purpose behind things and are sensitive to the unseen. The days about February 27 give weak eyesight, especially if born close to sunrise. Lets talk about the weaknesses the ascendant in Pisces has to face. The feet could also be a prominent part of the body. Ruled by the sun, Leo risings often have a golden undertone to their skin or a smile that lights up the room. Jupiter is the Guru (teacher) of all planets. The domain of dreams is their true home. This post may contain affiliate links. People born under Pisces rising are often physically small, but their energy takes up more space than it appears. Pisces has high expectations and can idealize its partner. If youre a Pisces ascendant or you want to figure out the, A rising sign (ascendant sign) depends upon the time of your birth. Has it ever crossed your mind why someone may look, dress, decorate their home or act like their zodiac sign? If you're reading this article, you probably know that it's the rising sign (also known as the ascendant) that mostly governs physical appearance and first impressions.. Theyre also often considered to be baby-faced, looking much younger than they really are! The ascendant in Pisces indicates that you do your best to be kind all the time. You are looking for someone with whom you can share every part of your world. PISCES RISING/ASCENDANT | Your Physical Appearance & Attractiveness (2020) | Hannah's Elsewhere Hannah's Elsewhere 125K subscribers Subscribe 26K views 2 years ago Hi Cosmic Warriors and. As a water sign, Pisces is sensitive, sentimental, empathetic, and intuitive. What do Pisces ascendant folks look like? A longish, heart-shaped face is a typical ascendant in Pisces physical feature, especially with a pointed, emphasized jaw. The rising sign gets its name from the zodiac sign that is "rising" on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. Because Neptune also dictates illusion and confusion, they can sometimes have a naive and youthful look well into their elder years. Impressionable and not too energetic, the man with the Ascendant in Pisces needs a . Rising signs change every two hours. It can also describe your physical appearance. However, it can also describe the face you put on for the world; your physical features, your body shape and even the way you express your emotions on the surface. You take the time to understand why people did the things that they did rather than just judge. The voice is soft, easy and gentle, in direct contrast to the pace and sharpness of Aries. Pisces rising can have a tendency to be too submissive and forgiving in relationships. Its rare to find a Pisces who doesnt want to go to the beach, lake, river or out on a boat. The Pisces Ascendant man has high ideals and dreams big. . Having your natal ascendant in Pisces suggests that you are the best at things you love.