I was 15 at the time, and clearly fan-girling over her boyfriends band but she didnt give off even the slightest hint of rudeness, or jealousy, or possessiveness. 2 of Kathleens patients told her about this weird thing that happened (he had done the same thing). Ill do what I want! She was her own being, she did what she wanted, to the point that her tiny body couldnt take it anymore. Rosheen and Demri RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997, Demri Parrott and Layne Staley Love Hate Love, More pictures of Demri can be found on my Flickr account at:RememberingDemri. This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 15 photos to this memorial. But Demri seemed to live an existance of from here to there, no where to run, but her mom had a home waiting just for her. That was the night of the 28th. I know that you have a busy life, but Ill never forget that you emailed me info on Demri, such as her liking of decoupage with Angels & Victorian art, which she used & put on boxes as gifts for friends. (i.e. She met Layne when she was eighteen or nineteen, and its reported that it was love at first sight. Who would your Mom or Dad or best friend mention in your Obit? It was Layne and Demri and they had to find me to tell me they started doing dope and how wonderful it was, and right then I knew they Mara one of Dems good friends name was Mara! She once called herself an alien waiting for a ride home., Around 97, Layne had moved to the U Dist. Kathleens comment was left on one of my older posts.. so I just wanted to share it so that everyone would get a chance to readitbecause I know a lot of us love and respect Kathleena lot. I have wanted the book for years, but could not see me spending $200+ for a paperback book. 1). WTF are you talking about? Layne and Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr were watching television on April 4, 2002, the day before Staley died of a heroin overdose. I recently watched the Andrew Wood documentary and your words had me in floods of tears. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . Was she running scared? And thank you for your website. I know exactly what he was feeling like I felt it every day I had to go to work sick or living to get high. David de Sola writes in his biography of Alice in Chains: They had chosen the place called Kiana Lodge on Bainbridge Island [Kitsap County, Washington] as the wedding venue. Demri did pick out a dress, and Alice in Chains band member Mike Starr said he was going to be best man at Layne and Demris wedding.. There was one time I found a spoon, and it was obvious what it had been used for. Its also sad that she took Layne down that path with her. I really appreciate this site. Chris Cornell talks about mikes shirt etc. That Koa story has been particularly perplexing and I never could figure out exactly how it fit in. Now for the more positive things: Demri Parrott (which I recently found out was pronounced Puh-Row) was described by everyone who knew her as a bubbly, charismatic and beautiful girl. The seduction of heroin is no joke and ANYONE can be its next victim. I hope this doesnt sound silly, but I pray to Andrew and Demri sometimes. Everybody had their problems, not just Layne. She was very sure of herself and this was apparently the cause of some of her problems with Layne. Merry Christmas to you. when the crew were dealers too. It helped me get the guts to start learning to play guitar, something Ive wanted to do for a long time! It is even hard this far out but so freeingI have terminal cancer and if I could I would have love to have given your daughter whatever it was in me to make this happen so she could be here with you Addiction is a disease and one we need to address in this country very seriously without all the judgementWe shall just pray for all the negative talk out there if there is and the ironic thing is that it is those that judge other addicts that will discover it is in their own family! It is extremely addictive and will destroy your life. Please if you ever get a chance, write that book. I am thinking more of teens I have been watching grow up from their young years. I was encouraged even more to see that people actually came here to read it and asked for more. Anyone of her friends would have given her money to buy cotten besides its free at the hospital and they do send you home with a ton of supplies and she was there a lot. The Sony people were trying to use me as eyes and ears to report backis he doin drugs? Was it a physical predisposition to everything out there? Beca, I just wanted to Thank you for your story. I feel as though we can no longer talk about Layne on any AIC sites and that he is slowely being weened off of all of them..so again & again, thanks, and love hearing your stories. But, either way, I just wanted to say what a beautiful site and all the loving comments about a side of Layne that most of us would have never had the chance hear about. That girl looks like shes afraid of Demri, or what Demri is saying to her, while Demri looks totally relaxed, lol. Dear Susan, Bless you. She died on 29 October 1996 in Evergreen Hospital, Kirkland, Washington / Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA at the age of 27. But not anymore. Someone who took many drugs, uppers, downers,narcotics, yet she always tried to better herself, in acting, in life. I believe its the second version. Nice whataboutism. There are a lot more posts to see just click around. Being in a relationship w/ Layne changed none of that. 2. That couldnt have been put in a better way! We all know parts of things, combined it all might make sense one day huh? People around the world come here to share informations and curiosities and read stories about people you love so much. Did you make it through? I read once that everyone knew her, and if you went anywhere with her from California to Vancouver, shed bump into people she knew. 42 pictures of Demri Parrott. It is not worth experimenting with. Sid and Nancy also come to mind in that respect. I could go on for days with stories, but I wont. That was her. Having the time of their lives, without drugs, and living things up with harmony, peace, and love. Enabling is just as bad as abandoning. I know this is an old post but why did you put Demris name in quotes? Sadly, Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley passed away on April 5, 2002, at 34 years of age. Layne and Demri's relationship made me come to terms with the fact that some people in your life will just drill a hole in your head and insert themselves there and there's nothing you can do to ever get them out. I have seen it being talked about here, though, and I cant force anyone to magically have empathy but please dont use this as some way to condemn her. Living your life not feeling happy is not the way you were meant to live. But if it was Amber Feranno who said someone else made that hat, I am really confused, I talk to her often enough and she knows I designed and made ALL of Andys hats and clothing. The next year they got invited to play Unplugged and did a couple of songs for a movie and then Demri died in October and Layne kindof shut himself off. I think that Layne always sort of blamed himself for not looking after her, because she did need looking after. Oh that thing about walking down a hall and druggies is b.s. It will take a different catalyst for every addict to finally take that leap off the cliff and get helpsome will need to be love bombed, some will need tough love jail is not the answer but ALL will need the help of people who understand them and wont judge them and a very strong and loving support system, also time away from their old friends, sometimes family and the places theyve used in is crucial and they all need to want it at least enough to try it one day and then hopefully one more day and they will need to learn new tools to cope with their new reality and how to live their new life clean without the old faithful emotional and physical buffer of opiates. To Barbara or Darin do either of you know if Demri was capable of having another surgery or not? Anyway, Layne introduced my friends and I to Demri, and Ill never forget my first impression of her she was this angelic looking little thing, with the biggest, most genuine smile She took my hand in both of hers, and told me what a pleasure it was to meet me. Demri lapsed into a coma and spent the last 12 hours of her life unconscious in an intensive care unit at Evergreen Hospital, with only her mother and her aunt by her side, before doctors turned off the life-support machines on the morning of October 29, 1996. It sucks that NOBODY commented other than the one person but most people are so busy they dont even know its Oct 29th. Its not easy but it is possible!! . If boundaries are established upfront, some of these issues can be avoided. ITS JUST FUCKED UP BULLSHIT! Mike, Rosheen, Andrew Wood and now sadly.. the list grows.. Chris Cornell who was an amazing man, husband and Father and Friend. She was apparently very chatty, witty and loud. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, . She is such a facinating person and it will be almost surreal to see her on video. Self: 1991 MTV Video Music Awards. I was devastated when I found out that I missed it. I have nooo clue i would never have imagined in a million years Id be doing what Im doing today if I was asked back thenI have 3 kids.. Layne and Demri always thought I could help people get clean for some reason when I never did and Mike thought I could help by getting him on the show Intervention. Blessings to each of you! Once you fall, that base diminishes. Which is one thing people whove never been addicted to opiates dont always understand and maybe never can. Hi Amber, I was shocked to see how much you have shared about Layne and Demris life. I know he blamed himself for Demri dying we all played the should a, could a, wouldda tape in our head. They dated for 2 years after getting together in Mar 1988. Dont forget me though and please continue to be my angel; I know theres enough of you to go around for everyone. Doesnt matter though that she was not mentioned in her obituary because I know that Rosheen knew how important she was to Demri and Rosheen was at her funeralso that probably hurt her. I'm fascinated at how a beautiful young lady like Demri lost control of her life to drugs. Mrs. Austin, you tell of how Demri suffered, how she had gifts, it was her calling in life to teach and not to learn and to give unconditional love to all, yet you put her grandmother and the headstone that she made for Demri, down. I didnt go to shows and I was ecpected to. But i get drug tests and go to counseling and outpatient classes. I adored the both of them, but we definitely had plenty of conversations that were like, Look, its not fair for me to say whats right or wrong for you guys But I got to the point where I was like, I cant have this goin on here and be wonderin if you guys are gonna wake up or not., SUSAN SILVER Not that the others werent heavily into drugs, too, but Layne was clearly so deepit was so dangerousthat all of our lives centered around how to aid him. Hey everyone, im a long time lurker but never have posted not sure why. Every now and then Ill go through a phase where I read as much as I can about her, it never really feels like I know enough. Demri was well known and had numerous friends that she touched with her charismatic and enchanting personality. Your site is beautiful if I were computer literate I wouldve corrected the writer it is nice to set the record straight . He seemed to think that because he never shot heroin he was better than Layne. Her memorial service took place on November 2 at Neighborhood Christian Center, and donations were made to Harborview Adult Medicine Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. im not an angel either, no one is, but alchohol is my stupid drug, whish it wasnt so, makes you fat and sick. I visit Demris Facebook page every once in a while and Ive learned that her closest friends dont like to disclose a lot. I know she is watching us from avobe, taking care of us, smiling everytime we think of her. They were both hardcore heroin addicts and much of their life and their relationship was very, very ugly. I am sure that he was pressured to go on tour and not feeling well decided that instead of letting the fans down and letting them see him in that state he felt he had a better chance stating away from that pressure. He was always fighting someone elses battle when he thought he had his beat. because you write about people and events where you can not find if it is the truth sorry my english. It can sneak back in and take over even faster then it did the first time. Andrew Wood. The comments above and below have provided a welcome clarity on the Demri/Layne situation after MUCH reading for the last few days. Great work and it happens faster than you know and very few actually survive this mistake. He thought because he wasnt living there he shouldnt have to. This may be too personal to ask, but I have been curious. Thanx though cool video.. they were all such dorks when it came to interviews. Demri Parrott was an American model. By the way she didnt like her name shorted she loved the unique name of Demri. Rest in peace beautiful angels. I first read that on the findadeath.com forum many years ago maybe 06 or 07? Not sure why I just havent.. never even held one in my hands or seen one on the shelves. The facts, and I will allow myself to speak of them as facts, as I have 100% trust in Barbaras descriptions and tellings, are staggering. This website does skew towards famous actors, musicians, models and sports stars, however we would like to expand that to include many other interesting topics. As for Mike Starr, if youre wondering, he was living in a crappy old apartment (same building that I used to live in,) with his father. She and Layne, and Rosheen, Mike and all the friends are together and laughing, having fun and taking care of us. I have seen people/myself go from great people to completely changed. I know thats super personal n i thought i remember Barbara saying she didnt know specifics on what exactly happened. You have too many things left to do. Unconditional love? They were freaked out by it all and didnt understand it. Layne was like no other. Love to you all, from Scotland Did Layne Staley lose his teeth? I hope things are getting better for you and if not you hear me and please go get help. I even wrote a blog on that hat for Christ sake, http://grungestorytellers.xanaland.com/2013/03/the-hat-with-purple-aura.html. Cotton Fever isnt from dirty cotton its from injecting a microscopic piece when you suction up the heroin thru it. I guess its possible that he dated someone else for a short time in between but everybody knows that heroin addicts have major issues with impotency so its not like he was gonna be grinding away with someone else. Pictures and info about the woman who stole Layne Staley's heart and inspired fashion trends during the '90s Seattle grunge era. 04/05/93|04/05/02 To give Layne and Demri a fair and honest recording of their life stories. Ive read this a few places. Then I went back to Houston, where I was working at a nightclub, and the phone rang in the office. But, when you have someone over 6ft tall and weighing under 90 lbs, its time to step in. Your site has been great in all the information thats been released, but I just wanted to say to you and all, Merry Christmas. Such a sad story. She was the biological daughter of Kathleen Ann ne Austin and Dennis Wayne Dougherty, but at the time of her birth, her 18-year-old mother had been married to Stephen John Parrott, aged 21, for 21 days. I wanted to also check in on you and see how youre doing with your recovery and your heart? Because that is not my story it is theirs.. even if I was a part of their story and they a part of mine. I feel like some people enter the world with their story written for them already. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. 1st I was not talking to you! Yes, Laura very, very true you basically nailed it. When someone you care about turns blue and stops breathing that will mess with you forever. For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. I noticed the list of books on the home page and decided to go check out Everybody Loves Our Town by Mark Yarm at our public library. Demri was bisexual, and she was a nudist. Rosheen was clean at the time and doing awesome.. but then she relapsed and on June 19th 1997 she passed awayshe was only 22 years old. It was the other way around. She still looked cheerful and pretty , https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?fbid=375943654526117, https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?fbid=375407361246413. I do not believe and I do not disbelieve. Yet, MM continued on til the day she died. Now whether or not Layne ever knew just how much I liked him, I dont know, but Demri knew. I happened to know that my Mom.. who I love dearly and means the world to me would have no clue. Barbara, Hi ~ Regardless, you have done great justice to remembering your friends. LoveMara:). View the most popular Demri Parrott pix. So anyways, yesterday I ran into so-and-so and blah blah blah. You can just tell when you talk to certain people, especially females. She kind of reminded me of Brooke Shields in the movie Pretty Baby. I read it within days. thanks for enjoying the post, i think at some point in the future i'll write a longer one with more details (especially positive ones), it feels impossible to do her justice in just a few paragraphs, The last of your months ..days ..none of this matters? Barbara, I found an interview of ALC at the backstage of Lolapalooza in 1993 and the good news is that Demri was caught by the camera . According to Alice in Chains: The Untold Story, it was love at first sight. Heroin usually either ends in jail, life long opiate replacement programs like methadone or suboxone or death. His mother was quoted in Grunge is Dead as saying that he bought another condo in 94, but I dunno. Jerry loved the rock star lifestyle and didnt want to give it up and he was pissed at Layne. Maybe her mom or her friends have some but are not interested in posting them. Im telling you: Demri was here last night. Demris mother, Kathleen Austin, heard this story from Starr after Laynes death and relayed the story to David de Sola (and it was corroborated by musician Jason Buttino). Personally I see it as a travesty that she has managed to get her name linked with Layne forever in some kind of tragic love story. Ive always thought you were such an exotic beauty. For me, layne was Alice in Chains. That particular photo has never been made public and . And did you ever see Mad Season play live? Also what things happen on the drugs in question that makes dating not realistic. She had talked him into putting a lot of big purchases in her name. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. Its not like you can just sit around the house for 2 weeks and suffer life doesnt allow it and if you dont have great insurance the rehab isnt taking you either. They didnt want people to be too scared to call them. I think this is Rachel that made Andys purple hand hat. Thanks for this site. But with Demri Im not alone, and there are so many people who, like me, only know her through pictures and stories and are similarly fascinated by her. Its just talk. And things like that. In 1996, Staley's life was turned upside down when his former fiance, Demri Lara Parrott, died of a drug overdose and when she passed, so did a bit of Staley. Her cause of death was an accute intoxication and the combined effects of opiate, meprobamate and butalbital. Apparently, he found that lasting love with Dem or did he? Its easy for people to judge and if they can stick with you during good and bad thats a wonderful thing. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, and loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, write poetry and play in front of the camera. Not knowing how dangerous heroin was, getting into it and then just not being able to get out not realizing when getting into it that it is something that someone cant get out of, seems just heartbreaking. Barbara, But hes right here with us now on the fire place! if you knew what junkies were like you wouldn't be romantising this shite. Yet, MM continued on til the day she died. Anything you have to say would be gratefully appreciated. Reading through the stories of Demris existence is at the same time beautiful and awful. Thank you for sharing about Demri. Demri was sweet and helpful and fun. Yes, she was sick from herion, but so was Marilyn. We welcome your contributions so please create an account if you would like to collaborate with other editor's in helping to shape this website. She met musician Layne Staley of Alice in Chains at a store called Saturdays where she was working, in 1988. Oh my she was so beautiful, so beautiful!!! I remember looking out your window at the docks one time while you were on the computer, and I was making you listen to some stupid old song because I thought it was cool. Demris story haunted me when I first learned of it a few years ago. Demri Parrott had an encounter with Katina Bonita Evangeline (1991). Is that because of damage to his skeletal system due to heroin? See more News You may also like. If I had been in that same situation, my own mother, who I love dearly, would not have been so loving. When he disappeared from performing, it became almost impossible to find a current photo of him. She had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair (color). When Demri passed, Layne really took that hard. Barbara, thank you for replying to my post of 5/22. And I used to live my life just like layne and demri. Late 96, Demri started backsliding and this was around when I finally met her. She loved to model and I love this picture of her Demri just being Demri.. Rest in Peace Sweet Girl - Demri Lara Parrott 1969-1996 ROSHEEN RAUGI Rosheen and Demri - RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997 Rosheen was my best friend. I hope you read this, it could really help you. But, success is no good, if theyre not here. She has been an extremely impressionable part of my lifeand it warms my heart to see her honored. I was and still am a huge fan of Laynes and AIC, and admired the beautiful Demri. Addiction is no joke, I go to med school so I spend a lot of time in the hospital and its just awful what being addicted to something does to people. I would love to read more about this era and i know there is alot of crap out there but in your opinion which book written about that time in history on AIC and even mentioning Demri would you think is the most accurate?? Heroin is a beast of a drug all its own in short or in laymans terms..it ruins your ability to be naturally happy. and a life without it again can seems totally unrealistic and near impossible to ALOT of addicts if not all and that may sound stupid, heartless of them but most addicts Ive known are also the most sensitive, loving, non-judgmental and wisest people Ive known. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. At the time of her death, she was clean, but for her last hours, she was at a friends house, who took her to Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, and recognized too late that she wasnt doing well on the pills shed ingested. Im so glad that Demris mother supported her no matter what. Take care, stay strong. Laynes music has always spoke to me and I know a lot of it has to deal with how brutally honest he always was with his struggles. Rest in Peace our sweet angels. I love it! Thought the site was abandoned but I know life gets in the way. The second one has just a part of the interview becouse it also has Primus and Tool too, but the image quality is better. Quite a few wrongs have been righted by the existence of this site, the amount of BS out there about these individuals is beyond belief. The opposite occurred, she cut off contact with Layne save for minor interactions, she hustled to get money for smack.
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