London William Blake. Why did The Great Fire happen? overnight, making bread, and somehow they caused a fire. [161] The inscription remained until after the passage of the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 when it was removed in 1830 following a successful campaign by City Solicitor Charles Pearson. The fire that changed our city forever. [42] They had to be brought a long way, tended to arrive too late, and had limited reach, with spouts but no delivery hoses. with the king's efforts, the fire burned for four days, before the And what if they escaped? The Great Fire of London poem for kids, by Paul Perro, tells the story of the time, hundreds of years ago, when a fire started in a baker's shop in London, and spread throughout the city. This drastic method of creating firebreaks was increasingly used towards the end of the Great Fire, and modern historians believe that this in combination with the wind dying down was what finally won the struggle. The fears of the homeless focused on the French and Dutch, England's enemies in the ongoing Second Anglo-Dutch War; these substantial immigrant groups became victims of street violence. [92] Through the day, the flames began to move eastward from the neighbourhood of Pudding Lane, straight against the prevailing east wind and towards the Tower of London with its gunpowder stores. [86], Tuesday, 4 September was the day of greatest destruction. The Great Fire of London poem for kids, by Paul Perro, tells the story of the time, hundreds of years ago, when a fire started in a baker's shop in London, and spread throughout the city. During the first couple of days, few people had any notion of fleeing the burning city altogether. A patent had been granted in 1625 for the fire engines; they were single-acting. The Great Fires of London. 1. Great Fire of London. The Great Fire of London is a fascinating story from history; without it, London would be a very different place today. The area around Pudding Lane was full of warehouses containing highly flammable things like timber, rope and oil. If it had been rebuilt under some of these plans, London would have rivalled Paris in Baroque magnificence. Thomas wasn't your average baker, though - he was King Charles II 's baker. His ovens were on It successfully stopped the fire around the Tower of London and Cripplegate. The decision not to implement the plan was criticized by later authors such as Daniel Defoe and was frequently cited by advocates for public health. Last updated rebuilding. They used buckets of water, water squirts and fire hooks. Five fantastic and weird dolls discovered in our fashion collections. During guided reading, children will explore the stories 'Coming to England', 'Bloom' and 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London'. Despite the poem's name, the year had been one of great tragedy . Cases were heard and a verdict usually given within a day; without the Fire Court, lengthy legal proceedings would have seriously delayed the rebuilding which was so necessary if London was to recover. The scaffolding caught fire on Tuesday night. From what began as a tiny spark in the hush of night, the story of the Great Fire is incredible. [38][39] It was often possible to open a pipe near a burning building and connect it to a hose to spray on a fire or fill buckets. Here is a quiz with 15 questions great for kids in primary school (KS1, KS2) as well as for older kids and adults in need of a refresher. A modern and lively poem for kids about The Great Fire of London, 1666. The houses were made of wood, and the lanes between them were very narrow. The section "Fire hazards in the City" is based on Hanson, 77101 unless otherwise indicated. They rescued as many of their belongings as they could carry and fled. [162][163] Another monument marks the spot where the fire is said to have died out: the Golden Boy of Pye Corner in Smithfield. [c] On this occasion, an unknown number of fire engines were either wheeled or dragged through the streets. See Hanson, 8588, for the Republican temper of London. Height: 65cm. And the anonymous author of The Londoners Lamentation ends with a childlike plea for reconciliation: If we still hate each other thus,God never will be friends with us. The prolonged absence of rains brought a lot of danger to the city's inhabitants. [112] The fire destroyed approximately 15 percent of the city's housing. [137] The reconstruction saw improvements in hygiene and fire safety: wider streets, open and accessible wharves along the length of the Thames, with no houses obstructing access to the river, and, most importantly, buildings constructed of brick and stone, not wood. Museum of London registered charity number 1139250, Follow us on Twitter for news, views and conversation about London, Join us on Facebook and share your views on current London issues, Browse our YouTube videos of teaching resources, London history, fashion and more, See objects from our collection, snapshots of events and share your visits with us on Instagram. The families were so enthusiastic and generated loads of text and drawings from which I got so many ideas! I was always just supposed to be a whisper, Londons breath, blending in, part of the clutter, but a lot of people like to chatter, and I. scattered like sparks from one mouth to another. It destroyed a large part of the City of London, including most of the civic buildings, old St. Paul's Cathedral, 87 parish churches, and about 13,000 houses. What happened when Arthur Thistlewood and his men tried to murder the British PM on 23 Feb 1820? By the Saturday after the fire "the markets were operating well enough to supply the people" at Moorfields. [26], The high Roman wall enclosing the city impeded escape from the inferno, restricting exit to eight narrow gates. Can you help us find iconic pieces of fashion history? It's hard not to be swept up in the drama taking place on the streets of London. Today. The Great Fire of London - Put the events into order Rank order. The first, in 1633, severely damaged the structure and weakened it to some degree. Porter gives the figure as eight[3] and Tinniswood as "in single figures", although he adds that some deaths must have gone unrecorded and that, besides direct deaths from burning and smoke inhalation, refugees also perished in the impromptu camps. The fire as seen from a boat in vicinity of Tower Wharf. Soon London was filled with smoke. [37], The use of water to extinguish the fire was frustrated. [94], Everybody had thought St. Paul's Cathedral a safe refuge, with its thick stone walls and natural firebreak in the form of a wide empty surrounding plaza. The section "Tuesday" is based on Tinniswood, 7796, unless otherwise indicated. # The Great fire of London - A Poem [#Poem]( [#Poetry]( the setting up of fire posts, extra fire fighters, and fire fighting [119], Despite this, residents were inclined to put the blame for the fire on foreigners, particularly Catholics, the French, and the Dutch. It was the worst fire in London's history. (0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5) You need to be a registered member to rate this. [84] "The Duke of York hath won the hearts of the people with his continual and indefatigable pains day and night in helping to quench the Fire," wrote a witness in a letter on 8 September. The easiest way to state the cause of the Great Fire of London is to blame Thomas Farynor and his family and servants. Even But the most remarkable thing about this literature of loss is that almost as soon as it saw the light of day it evolved into a literature of renewal. sung as a round. He panicked when faced with a sudden emergency and, when pressed, made the oft-quoted remark, "A woman could piss it out", and left. The fire reached its peak on 4 September 1666, spreading from the Temple in the west to near the Tower of London in the east. These were completed despite strict restrictions which stated it was illegal to build between the City of London and Westminster. Its hard not to be swept up in the drama taking place on the streets of London. It was on the fourth day of the fire when Samuel Pepys wrote (via HistoryExtra) it was "the saddest sight of desolation that I ever saw; everywhere great fires, oyle-cellars, and brimstone, and other things burning." Of all the things to face, fire has to be one of the most terrifying. Food production and distribution had been disrupted to the point of non-existence; Charles announced that supplies of bread would be brought into the City every day, and markets set up round the perimeter. [21] The fire hazard was well perceived when the top jetties all but met across the narrow alleys"as it does facilitate a conflagration, so does it also hinder the remedy", wrote one observer. It received many submissions alleging a conspiracy of foreigners and Catholics to destroy London. A fast tempo song as The Great Fire rages through London. Houses now had to be faced in brick instead of wood. [100], In Moorfields, a large public park immediately north of the City, there was a great encampment of homeless refugees. The Great Fire of London - Susanna Davidson 2015-08-07 Find out all about the Great Fire of London, in 1666 - what caused it, how it spread, how it was put out and how the city was rebuilt in its wake. [138], Instead, much of the old street plan was recreated in the new City. He recorded in his diary that the eastern gale had turned it into a conflagration. 4 September 1666, around 11pm. [103], Fears of foreign terrorists and of a French and Dutch invasion were as high as ever among the traumatised fire victims. Some people say sixteen, other people say only six. As when some dire usurper Heav'n provides. Even in such an emergency, the idea of having the unpopular royal troops ordered into the City was political dynamite. [137] Wren presenting the plan was the subject of a Royal Mail stamp issued in 2016, one of six in a set commemorating the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire. One-third of London was destroyed and about 100,000 people were made homeless. The Great Fire of London was different. By Monday, 300 houses had burned down. [132][133], Radical rebuilding schemes poured in for the gutted City and were encouraged by Charles. [148] Charitable foundations experienced significant financial losses because of direct fire-related costs as well as loss of rental income. [120] At least 23 poems were published in the year following the fire. [76][77], The inhabitants, especially the upper class, were growing desperate to remove their belongings from the City. And if you need to brush up on the historical events in 1666, you can always check our 20 key facts for kids from on our main Great Fire of London page. This occurred at a time when London was suffering from terrible droughts. Pudding Lane Film Holding on to his "dignity and civic authority", he refused James's offer of soldiers and then went home to bed. It had been crammed full of rescued goods and its crypt filled with the tightly packed stocks of the printers and booksellers in adjoining Paternoster Row. This increased the risk of fire and gave fires the opportunity to spread rapidly. . We hope you enjoy it. St. Margaret Church. [59] However, Southwark was preserved by an open space between buildings on the bridge which acted as a firebreak.[60][61]. It was under these conditions, that a fire started at 83-85 Summer Street on the evening of November 9, 1872. The audio programmes in this series explore The Great Fire of London and its aftermath through Music, Dance and Drama activities. Its so destructive and powerful. A communal toilet seat from the 12th century reveals the underside of life in medieval London. It took nearly 50 years to rebuild the burnt area of London. A firehook was a heavy pole perhaps 30 feet (9m) long with a strong hook and ring at one end, which would be attached to the roof trees of a threatened house and operated by means of ropes and pulleys to pull down the building. The new regulations were designed to prevent such a disaster happening again. [70] The swirling winds carried sparks and burning flakes long distances to lodge on thatched roofs and in wooden gutters, causing seemingly unrelated house fires to break out far from their source and giving rise to rumours that fresh fires were being set on purpose. As a result, economic recovery was slow. He found that houses were still not being pulled down, in spite of Bloodworth's assurances to Pepys, and daringly overrode the authority of Bloodworth to order wholesale demolitions west of the fire zone. After the fire, London was reconstructed on essentially the same medieval street plan which still exists today. For 37 years, The Backstreet was an iconic part of Londons leather and gay bar scene. Im nothing new, I just joined in the race. Much of it was left in the homes of private citizens from the days of the English Civil War. [13] They were determined to thwart any similar tendencies in his son, and when the Great Fire threatened the City, they refused the offers that Charles made of soldiers and other resources. Half a million people lived there. Q2. Some places still smouldered for months afterwards. A fast tempo song as The Great Fire rages through London. Confusion between parish and private firefighting efforts led the insurance companies in 1832 to form a combined firefighting unit which would eventually become the London Fire Brigade. The [33][b] Sometimes buildings were levelled quickly and effectively by means of controlled gunpowder explosions. Oh, the miserable and calamitous spectacle! sung as a round. Fear and suspicion hardened into certainty on Monday, as reports circulated of imminent invasion and of foreign undercover agents seen casting "fireballs" into houses, or caught with hand grenades or matches. Museum of London registered charity number 1139250, Follow us on Twitter for news, views and conversation about London, Join us on Facebook and share your views on current London issues, Browse our YouTube videos of teaching resources, London history, fashion and more, See objects from our collection, snapshots of events and share your visits with us on Instagram. There are a lot of reasons why the fire was so large, mostly to do with the way houses were built - a lot of . [140] New public buildings were created on their predecessors' sites; perhaps the most famous is St Paul's Cathedral and its smaller cousins, Christopher Wren's 51 new churches. If we have inadvertently included a copyrighted poem that the copyright holder does not wish to be displayed, we will take the poem down within 48 hours upon notification by the owner or the owner's legal representative (please use the contact form at or email "admin [at] poetrynook [dot] com"). The Rebuilding of London Act 1666 banned wood from the exterior of buildings, regulated the cost of building materials and the wages of workers, and set out a rebuilding period of three years, after which the land could be sold. The fire lasted four days, and burned down over 13,000 homes. The Royal Exchange caught fire in the late afternoon, and was a "smoking shell" within a few hours. The heat from the flames by then was too great for the remaining engines to get within a useful distance. Describe the effects of the Great Fire of London on the people and on London. I grew louder. [154] The fire led to a focus in building codes on restricting the spread of fire between units. "[69], Suspicion soon arose in the threatened city that the fire was no accident. Flew, through every wooden door. 330acres is the size of the area within the Roman wall, according to standard reference works (see, for instance, Sheppard, 37), although Tinniswood gives that area as a square mile (667acres). Find out more about its history. After a fantastic performance of the first draft later that day, Saras final product is below for you all to enjoy. Now onto content Sara needed some help getting started, and who better to ask than the families visiting the museum? Anonymous artist. During this workshop the children will, create 10 second pictures from the period and later debate with Samuel Pepys how the fire changed . After his death, it became apparent that he had been on board a ship in the North Sea, and had not arrived in London until two days after the fire started.